Exact Match:
- shake
- move with or as if with a tremor; "his hands shook"
- undermine or cause to waver; "my faith has been shaken"; "The bad news shook her hopes"
- bring to a specified condition by or as if by shaking; "He was shaken from his dreams"; "shake the salt out of the salt shaker"
- shake (a body part) to communicate a greeting, feeling, or cognitive state; "shake one's head"; "She shook her finger at the naughty students"; "The old enemies shook hands"; "Don't shake your fist at me!"
- move or cause to move back and forth; "The chemist shook the flask vigorously"; "My hands were shaking"
- get rid of; "I couldn't shake the car that was following me"
- Bebung,
- abandon,
- abate,
- accost,
- address,
- affright,
- age,
- agitate,
- agitating,
- agitation,
- alarm,
- alcoholic drink,
- all-overs,
- anthem,
- aphonia,
- appall,
- artificial voice,
- assault,
- attenuate,
- avoid,
- awe,
- ballad,
- be cold,
- beam,
- bear,
- bear upon,
- beat,
- beat up,
- beating,
- beg,
- beverage,
- bid good day,
- bid good morning,
- billet,
- blackmail,
- blunt,
- board,
- boarding,
- bob,
- bobble,
- boost,
- bother,
- bounce,
- bow to,
- bowl down,
- bowl over,
- brandish,
- break in,
- break the habit,
- breath,
- breathing,
- brick,
- broken speech,
- broken tones,
- broken voice,
- brush off,
- buck,
- bull,
- bulldoze,
- bump,
- bump against,
- bunt,
- butt,
- butt against,
- careen,
- carol,
- chant,
- chatter,
- cheat the undertaker,
- childish treble,
- chill,
- chirp,
- chirrup,
- choir,
- choked voice,
- chorus,
- churn,
- churn up,
- circumvent,
- clapboard,
- clog,
- coggle,
- comb,
- concuss,
- condition,
- confound,
- confuse,
- convulse,
- cord,
- cordwood,
- coup,
- cower,
- crack,
- cracked voice,
- cram,
- cramp,
- cripple,
- croak,
- croon,
- crow,
- crowd,
- crush,
- curdle the blood,
- curtsy,
- damage,
- damp,
- dampen,
- dance,
- dangle,
- dash,
- daunt,
- deaden,
- deal,
- debilitate,
- debug,
- decline,
- delirium tremens,
- demoralize,
- descant,
- deter,
- devitalize,
- didder,
- dig,
- disaffect,
- disappoint,
- disarrange,
- discard,
- discombobulate,
- discomfit,
- discompose,
- disconcert,
- discontinue,
- discourage,
- disenchant,
- dishearten,
- dislodge,
- disorder,
- display,
- disquiet,
- distress,
- disturb,
- ditch,
- dither,
- do-re-mi,
- dodder,
- double,
- drawl,
- driftwood,
- drink,
- drinkable,
- drive,
- drop,
- dull,
- dysarthria,
- dyslalia,
- dyslogia,
- dysphasia,
- dysphonia,
- dysphrasia,
- elbow,
- electrify,
- elude,
- enervate,
- enfeeble,
- escape,
- evade,
- eviscerate,
- exchange greetings,
- excite,
- exhaust,
- exhibit,
- extenuate,
- face,
- fade,
- fail,
- falsetto,
- falter,
- faze,
- ferment,
- fidget,
- firewood,
- flap,
- flash,
- flaunt,
- flicker,
- flip out,
- flit,
- flitter,
- float,
- flop,
- flourish,
- fluctuate,
- flurry,
- fluster,
- flutter,
- fly,
- foot,
- force,
- fox-trot,
- freak out on,
- freeze,
- freeze to death,
- fret,
- fright,
- frighten,
- frosted,
- frosted shake,
- funk,
- get along,
- get around,
- get away from,
- get high on,
- get on,
- get out of,
- get rid of,
- get to,
- give up,
- glass,
- glaze,
- glow,
- go pitapat,
- goad,
- greet,
- grimace,
- grind,
- grow cold,
- grow old,
- gruel,
- gyrate,
- gyration,
- hail,
- half a jiffy,
- half a mo,
- half a second,
- half a shake,
- halt,
- hardwood,
- harm,
- harshness,
- have a chill,
- have an ague,
- have goose pimples,
- have the fidgets,
- have the shakes,
- hawking voice,
- heave,
- hiss,
- hoarseness,
- hold up,
- hoof,
- hop,
- horrify,
- horripilate,
- hum,
- hurtle,
- hustle,
- hymn,
- idioglossia,
- idiolalia,
- impair,
- impairment of speech,
- instant,
- intonate,
- intone,
- jab,
- jactitate,
- jam,
- jar,
- jarring,
- jerk,
- jiff,
- jiffy,
- jig,
- jigget,
- jiggle,
- jimjams,
- jog,
- joggle,
- jolt,
- jolting,
- jostle,
- jounce,
- jump,
- jumps,
- kick,
- kiss,
- kiss hands,
- knock down,
- lath,
- lathing,
- lathwork,
- lay low,
- leave off,
- librate,
- lift the hat,
- lilt,
- limp,
- liquid,
- liquor,
- lisp,
- lisping,
- log,
- look all over,
- look everywhere,
- lose,
- lose heat,
- loss of voice,
- lumber,
- lurch,
- make one tremble,
- malt,
- microsecond,
- millisecond,
- mince,
- minstrel,
- minute,
- mitigate,
- mix up,
- moment,
- muzzy speech,
- nasal tone,
- nasalization,
- nod to,
- nudge,
- nutate,
- oscillate,
- outwit,
- overawe,
- overcome,
- paddle,
- palpitate,
- palpitation,
- panelboard,
- paneling,
- panelwork,
- pant,
- paper,
- parade,
- pendulate,
- perish with cold,
- perplex,
- perturb,
- perturbate,
- pile drive,
- pipe,
- pitapat,
- pitch,
- pitter-patter,
- plank,
- planking,
- plyboard,
- plywood,
- poke,
- pole,
- pop,
- post,
- potable,
- potation,
- prance,
- press,
- prod,
- prostrate,
- prove,
- psalm,
- psych out,
- pull the forelock,
- pulsate,
- pump,
- punch,
- puncheon,
- push,
- puzzle,
- quail,
- quake,
- quaker,
- quaking,
- quaver,
- quiver,
- quivering,
- raise apprehensions,
- rake,
- ram,
- ram down,
- ransack,
- rattle,
- reduce,
- reel,
- resonate,
- revet,
- rictus,
- rifle,
- rile,
- ripple,
- rock,
- roil,
- roll,
- roughen,
- roulade,
- ruffle,
- rummage,
- rumple,
- run,
- run against,
- salute,
- sap,
- say hello,
- scare,
- scour,
- search high heaven,
- sec,
- second,
- serenade,
- shake all over,
- shake down,
- shake hands,
- shake off,
- shake up,
- shaking,
- sheathe,
- sheathing,
- sheathing board,
- sheeting,
- shimmy,
- shingle,
- shiver,
- shivering,
- shivers,
- shock,
- shoulder,
- shove,
- show off,
- shrivel,
- shudder,
- shuddering,
- shuffle,
- shuffle out of,
- sibilation,
- sideboard,
- siding,
- sing,
- sing in chorus,
- sink,
- skip,
- skirt,
- slab,
- slat,
- slate,
- slip,
- soda,
- soda pop,
- soda water,
- soft drink,
- soften up,
- softwood,
- sol-fa,
- solmizate,
- speech defect,
- speech impediment,
- splat,
- split second,
- splutter,
- spook,
- sputter,
- squeeze,
- squirm,
- stagger,
- startle,
- stave,
- stick,
- stick of wood,
- stir,
- stir up,
- stirring up,
- stone,
- stop,
- stovewood,
- stress,
- stroke,
- stun,
- swag,
- sway,
- swear off,
- swell,
- swell with emotion,
- swing,
- swirl,
- take aback,
- talk incoherently,
- tamp,
- tap-dance,
- teeter,
- temblor,
- test,
- thatch,
- the shakes,
- threaten,
- three-by-four,
- thrill,
- thrill to,
- throb,
- throw off,
- thrust,
- tic,
- tick,
- tile,
- timber,
- timbering,
- timberwork,
- tingle,
- tingle with excitement,
- tonic,
- toss,
- toss and turn,
- totter,
- touch the hat,
- tremble,
- trembling,
- tremolando,
- tremolant,
- tremolo,
- tremor,
- tremors,
- trice,
- trill,
- trillet,
- trilleto,
- trillo,
- trip,
- troll,
- trouble,
- tumble,
- turn gray,
- turn inside out,
- turn on to,
- turn upside down,
- turn white,
- twang,
- tweedle,
- tweedledee,
- twink,
- twinkle,
- twinkling,
- twist and turn,
- twit,
- twitch,
- twitter,
- two shakes,
- two-by-four,
- unbrace,
- uncover,
- undermine,
- undo,
- undulate,
- unman,
- unnerve,
- unsettle,
- unstrengthen,
- unstring,
- upset,
- vacillate,
- vaunt,
- veneer,
- vibrate,
- vibrato,
- vocalize,
- wag,
- waggle,
- wall in,
- wall up,
- wallpaper,
- waltz,
- wane,
- warble,
- waste away,
- wave,
- waver,
- wavering,
- weaken,
- weatherboard,
- whip,
- whip up,
- whisk,
- whistle,
- wield,
- wiggle,
- wigwag,
- willies,
- wink,
- wither,
- wizen,
- wobble,
- wobbling,
- wood,
- work up,
- worry,
- wriggle,
- wrinkle,
- writhe,
- yodel