Exact Match:
- simile
- a figure of speech that expresses a resemblance between things of different kinds (usually formed with `like' or `as')
- accordance,
- affinity,
- agreement,
- alikeness,
- allegory,
- alliance,
- alliteration,
- allusion,
- anacoluthon,
- anadiplosis,
- analogy,
- anaphora,
- anastrophe,
- antiphrasis,
- antithesis,
- antonomasia,
- aping,
- apophasis,
- aporia,
- aposiopesis,
- apostrophe,
- approach,
- approximation,
- assimilation,
- balancing,
- catachresis,
- chiasmus,
- circumlocution,
- climax,
- closeness,
- community,
- comparability,
- comparative anatomy,
- comparative degree,
- comparative grammar,
- comparative judgment,
- comparative linguistics,
- comparative literature,
- comparative method,
- compare,
- comparing,
- comparison,
- conformity,
- confrontation,
- confrontment,
- contrast,
- contrastiveness,
- conversion,
- copying,
- correlation,
- correspondence,
- distinction,
- distinctiveness,
- ecphonesis,
- emphasis,
- exclamation,
- gemination,
- hypallage,
- hyperbaton,
- hyperbole,
- identity,
- imitation,
- inversion,
- irony,
- likeness,
- likening,
- litotes,
- malapropism,
- matching,
- meiosis,
- metaphor,
- metonymy,
- mimicking,
- nearness,
- onomatopoeia,
- opposing,
- opposition,
- oxymoron,
- parallelism,
- paregmenon,
- parenthesis,
- parity,
- periphrasis,
- personification,
- pleonasm,
- preterition,
- prolepsis,
- proportion,
- regression,
- relation,
- repetition,
- resemblance,
- sameness,
- sarcasm,
- semblance,
- similarity,
- similitude,
- simulation,
- spoonerism,
- syllepsis,
- symploce,
- synecdoche,
- trope of comparison,
- weighing,
- zeugma