Exact Match:
- singular
- the form of a word that is used to denote a singleton
- being a single and separate person or thing; "can the singular person be understood apart from his culture?"; "every fact in the world might be singular...unlike any other fact and sole of its kind"-William James
- grammatical number category referring to a single item or unit
- composed of one member, set, or kind
- the single one of its kind; "a singular example"; "the unique existing example of Donne's handwriting"; "a unique copy of an ancient manuscript"; "certain types of problems have unique solutions"
- a certain,
- abnormal,
- absolute,
- absurd,
- alone,
- an,
- anomalous,
- any,
- any one,
- appropriate,
- atomic,
- atypical,
- azygous,
- bizarre,
- celibate,
- certain,
- characteristic,
- concrete,
- conspicuous,
- crank,
- crankish,
- cranky,
- crotchety,
- curious,
- defined,
- definite,
- detailed,
- determinate,
- deviant,
- deviative,
- different,
- discrete,
- distinct,
- distinctive,
- distinguished,
- divergent,
- dotty,
- dual,
- eccentric,
- either,
- eminent,
- erratic,
- esoteric,
- especial,
- exceptional,
- exclusive,
- express,
- extraordinary,
- fey,
- first and last,
- fixed,
- flaky,
- freaked out,
- freakish,
- freaky,
- funny,
- idiocratic,
- idiosyncratic,
- impair,
- important,
- in character,
- individual,
- indivisible,
- inner,
- integral,
- intimate,
- intrinsic,
- irreducible,
- irregular,
- isolated,
- kinky,
- kooky,
- lone,
- maggoty,
- marked,
- minute,
- monadic,
- monistic,
- notable,
- noteworthy,
- number,
- nutty,
- odd,
- oddball,
- off,
- off the wall,
- offbeat,
- one,
- one and only,
- only,
- only-begotten,
- out,
- outlandish,
- outre,
- outstanding,
- particular,
- passing strange,
- peculiar,
- personal,
- plural,
- precise,
- private,
- prominent,
- proper,
- quaint,
- queer,
- quintessential,
- quirky,
- rare,
- remarkable,
- respective,
- screwball,
- screwy,
- separate,
- several,
- signal,
- significant,
- simple,
- single,
- sole,
- solid,
- solipsistic,
- solitary,
- solo,
- special,
- specific,
- strange,
- superior,
- trial,
- true to form,
- twisted,
- unanalyzable,
- uncommon,
- unconventional,
- undivided,
- unearthly,
- unexampled,
- uniform,
- unimaginable,
- unique,
- unitary,
- unnatural,
- unordinary,
- unpaired,
- unrepeatable,
- unrepeated,
- unthinkable,
- unusual,
- unwonted,
- wacky,
- weird,
- whimsical,
- whole,
- wondrous strange