Exact Match:
- sizzle
- a sizzling noise
- burn or sear with a sizzling sound; "The fat sizzled in the pan"
- make a sound like frying fat
- seethe with deep anger or resentment; "She was sizzling with anger"
- assibilate,
- assibilation,
- ball the jack,
- barrel,
- be livid,
- be pissed,
- bluster,
- boil,
- boom,
- bowl along,
- breeze,
- breeze along,
- browned off,
- brush,
- burn,
- buzz,
- carry on,
- chafe,
- clip,
- cut along,
- effervesce,
- effervescence,
- effervescing,
- fizz,
- fizzle,
- fizzling,
- fleet,
- flit,
- fly,
- fly low,
- foot,
- fret,
- frication,
- frictional rustling,
- fume,
- go fast,
- go on,
- have a conniption,
- highball,
- hiss,
- hissing,
- hush,
- hushing,
- lisp,
- make knots,
- nip,
- outstrip the wind,
- pissed off,
- pour it on,
- rage,
- raise Cain,
- raise hell,
- raise the devil,
- raise the roof,
- rant,
- rant and rave,
- rave,
- rhonchus,
- rip,
- scorch,
- sear,
- seethe,
- shush,
- shushing,
- sibilance,
- sibilate,
- sibilation,
- siffle,
- sigmatism,
- simmer,
- siss,
- sissing,
- sizz,
- sizzling,
- skim,
- smoke,
- smolder,
- sneeze,
- sneezing,
- sniff,
- sniffle,
- snore,
- snort,
- snuff,
- snuffle,
- speed,
- spit,
- splutter,
- sputter,
- squash,
- squelch,
- squish,
- sternutation,
- stertor,
- stew,
- storm,
- storm along,
- sweep,
- swish,
- take on,
- tear,
- tear along,
- throw a fit,
- thunder along,
- wheeze,
- whish,
- whisk,
- whistle,
- whistling,
- white noise,
- whiz,
- whoosh,
- zing,
- zip,
- zoom