Exact Match:
- sneak
- a person who is regarded as underhanded and furtive and contemptible
- to go stealthily or furtively; "..stead of sneaking around spying on the neighbor's house"
- put, bring, or take in a secretive or furtive manner; "sneak a look"; "sneak a cigarette"
- arrant coward,
- blackguard,
- caitiff,
- clandestine,
- couch,
- covert,
- cower,
- craven,
- crawl,
- creep,
- cringe,
- crouch,
- cur,
- dastard,
- devil,
- fink,
- furtive,
- glide,
- go on tiptoe,
- grass,
- grovel,
- gumshoe,
- heel,
- hole-and-corner,
- hush-hush,
- inch,
- inch along,
- informer,
- knave,
- lay wait,
- lie in wait,
- louse,
- lurk,
- nark,
- nightwalk,
- pad,
- poltroon,
- precious rascal,
- prowl,
- pussyfoot,
- quail,
- rapscallion,
- rascal,
- recreant,
- reptile,
- rogue,
- run,
- scalawag,
- scamp,
- scoundrel,
- scrabble,
- scramble,
- shadow,
- shirk,
- shithead,
- shyster,
- sidle,
- skulk,
- skunk,
- slide,
- slink,
- slip,
- slither,
- sly,
- smuggle,
- snake,
- sneaker,
- snitch,
- snook,
- spalpeen,
- stalk,
- steal,
- steal along,
- stealthy,
- stoolie,
- surreptitious,
- tippytoe,
- tiptoe,
- toad,
- undercover,
- villain,
- weasel,
- worm,
- worm along