a vaguely specified social event; "the party was quite an affair"; "an occasion arranged to honor the president"; "a seemingly endless round of social functions"
a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship
any of various climbing plants of the genus Vicia having pinnately compound leaves that terminate in tendrils and small variously colored flowers; includes valuable forage and soil-building plants
any of various small insectivorous birds of the northern hemisphere that climb up a tree trunk supporting themselves on stiff tail feathers and their feet
any plant (as ivy or periwinkle) that grows by creeping
favorable to life and growth; "soil sufficiently hospitable for forest growth"; "a hospitable environment"
disposed to treat guests and strangers with cordiality and generosity; "a good-natured and hospitable man"; "a hospitable act"; "hospitable invitations"
having an open mind; "hospitable to new ideas"; "open to suggestions"
a refined quality of gracefulness and good taste; "she conveys an aura of elegance and gentility"
a quality of neatness and ingenious simplicity in the solution of a problem (especially in science or mathematics); "the simplicity and elegance of his invention"