Exact Match:
- span
- the distance or interval between two points
- a unit of length based on the width of the expanded human hand (usually taken as 9 inches)
- the complete duration of something; "the job was finished in the span of an hour"
- Bifrost,
- a breath,
- accouple,
- accumulate,
- ace,
- aesthetic distance,
- agglutinate,
- amass,
- amplitude,
- appraise,
- appreciate,
- apse,
- arcade,
- arcature,
- arch,
- arch over,
- arched roof,
- archway,
- articulate,
- assay,
- assemble,
- assess,
- associate,
- band,
- bascule bridge,
- bateau bridge,
- beam,
- bestraddle,
- bestride,
- bit,
- bond,
- both,
- bowshot,
- brace,
- bracket,
- breadth,
- bridge,
- bridge over,
- brief span,
- broadness,
- calculate,
- calibrate,
- caliper,
- camber,
- cantilever bridge,
- carry,
- catwalk,
- ceilinged roof,
- cement,
- chain,
- check a parameter,
- clap together,
- clearance,
- close quarters,
- close range,
- collect,
- combine,
- compass,
- comprise,
- compute,
- concameration,
- concatenate,
- concha,
- conglobulate,
- conjoin,
- conjugate,
- connect,
- copulate,
- couple,
- couple up,
- couplet,
- course,
- cove,
- cover,
- crack,
- cross,
- cupola,
- day,
- deep space,
- depths of space,
- dial,
- distance,
- distance across,
- distich,
- divergence,
- divide,
- dome,
- double harness,
- double-harness,
- double-team,
- doublet,
- drawbridge,
- duad,
- duet,
- duo,
- duration,
- dyad,
- earreach,
- earshot,
- embrace,
- encompass,
- environ,
- equipage,
- estimate,
- evaluate,
- expanse,
- extend,
- extend over,
- extension,
- extent,
- farness,
- fateful moment,
- fathom,
- floating bridge,
- flyover,
- footbridge,
- four-in-hand,
- fullness,
- gangboard,
- gangplank,
- gangway,
- gather,
- gauge,
- geodesic dome,
- glue,
- go,
- go out,
- go over,
- graduate,
- gunshot,
- hair,
- hair space,
- hairbreadth,
- hairsbreadth,
- hang over,
- hold,
- hour,
- igloo,
- imbricate,
- inch,
- include,
- infinity,
- instant,
- interval,
- join,
- juncture,
- jut,
- kairos,
- keystone,
- knot,
- lap,
- lap over,
- latitude,
- lay together,
- league,
- leeway,
- length,
- lengthiness,
- lie,
- lie over,
- lift bridge,
- light-years,
- linear measures,
- link,
- little,
- little bit,
- little ways,
- little while,
- long time,
- longitude,
- longness,
- lump together,
- margin,
- marry,
- marshal,
- mass,
- match,
- mate,
- mates,
- measure,
- mensurate,
- merge,
- mete,
- meter,
- mileage,
- minute,
- mobilize,
- moment,
- moment of truth,
- no time,
- ogive,
- overall length,
- overarch,
- overbridge,
- overcrossing,
- overhang,
- overlap,
- overlie,
- overpass,
- override,
- pace,
- pair,
- pair of winks,
- pair off,
- parsecs,
- period,
- perpetuity,
- perspective,
- piece,
- piece together,
- pistol shot,
- plumb,
- point,
- pontoon bridge,
- pregnant moment,
- prize,
- probe,
- psychological moment,
- put together,
- quantify,
- quantize,
- randem,
- range,
- rate,
- reach,
- reach out,
- remoteness,
- rig,
- roll into one,
- rope bridge,
- run,
- season,
- separation,
- set of two,
- shingle,
- short distance,
- short piece,
- short spell,
- short time,
- short way,
- size,
- size up,
- skewback,
- small space,
- solder,
- sound,
- space,
- spell,
- spike,
- spike team,
- spitting distance,
- splice,
- spread,
- spurt,
- stage,
- step,
- stepping-stone,
- stepstone,
- stick together,
- straddle,
- stretch,
- stretch out,
- stride,
- surround,
- survey,
- suspension bridge,
- sweep,
- swing bridge,
- take a reading,
- take in,
- tandem,
- tape,
- team,
- team up,
- term,
- the two,
- three-up,
- thrust out,
- tie,
- time,
- time lag,
- toll bridge,
- triangulate,
- turnout,
- twain,
- two,
- two shakes,
- twosome,
- unicorn,
- unify,
- unite,
- valuate,
- value,
- vault,
- vaulting,
- viaduct,
- voussoir,
- way,
- ways,
- weigh,
- weld,
- while,
- wideness,
- width,
- yardage,
- yoke