Exact Match:
- stigmatize
- mark with a stigma or stigmata; "They wanted to stigmatize the adulteress"
- to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful; "He denounced the government action"; "She was stigmatized by society because she had a child out of wedlock"
- advert to,
- allude to,
- attaint,
- band,
- bar,
- be taken as,
- bedaub,
- besmear,
- besmirch,
- besmoke,
- bespangle,
- bespatter,
- bespeckle,
- bespot,
- bestain,
- blacken,
- blaze,
- blaze a trail,
- blemish,
- blot,
- blotch,
- blow upon,
- blur,
- brand,
- call names,
- calumniate,
- censure,
- chalk,
- chalk up,
- check,
- check off,
- checker,
- cicatrize,
- condemn,
- dapple,
- darken,
- dash,
- daub,
- defame,
- defile,
- define,
- delimit,
- demarcate,
- denigrate,
- denominate,
- denote,
- denounce,
- depreciate,
- designate,
- dirty,
- disapprove,
- discolor,
- disparage,
- dot,
- emblematize,
- engage in personalities,
- engrave,
- expose,
- expose to infamy,
- figure,
- finger,
- flake,
- fleck,
- freckle,
- gash,
- gibbet,
- hang in effigy,
- harlequin,
- hatch,
- heap dirt upon,
- impress,
- imprint,
- iris,
- line,
- maculate,
- make a mark,
- marble,
- marbleize,
- mark,
- mark off,
- mark out,
- motley,
- mottle,
- muckrake,
- name,
- nick,
- notch,
- pencil,
- pepper,
- pick out,
- pillory,
- point,
- point at,
- point out,
- point to,
- polychrome,
- polychromize,
- prick,
- print,
- punch,
- punctuate,
- puncture,
- rainbow,
- refer to,
- reprimand,
- revile,
- riddle,
- scar,
- scarify,
- scorch,
- score,
- scotch,
- scratch,
- seal,
- seam,
- sear,
- select,
- singe,
- slander,
- slubber,
- slur,
- smear,
- smirch,
- smoke,
- soil,
- spangle,
- specify,
- speck,
- speckle,
- splotch,
- spot,
- sprinkle,
- stain,
- stamp,
- stand for,
- stipple,
- streak,
- striate,
- stripe,
- stud,
- sully,
- symbol,
- symbolize,
- taint,
- tarnish,
- tattoo,
- tessellate,
- throw mud at,
- tick,
- tick off,
- trace,
- typify,
- underline,
- underscore,
- variegate,
- vein,
- vilify