Exact Match:
- straying
- unable to find your way; "found the straying sheep"
- Wanderjahr,
- aberrancy,
- aberrant,
- aberration,
- abnormal,
- abroad,
- adrift,
- afoot and lighthearted,
- all abroad,
- all off,
- all wrong,
- amiss,
- amorphous,
- anomalistic,
- anomalous,
- askew,
- astray,
- at fault,
- awry,
- bend,
- beside the mark,
- bias,
- branching off,
- bumming,
- circuitousness,
- circumforaneous,
- corner,
- corrupt,
- crook,
- curve,
- deceptive,
- declination,
- defective,
- delusive,
- departure,
- detour,
- deviance,
- deviancy,
- deviant,
- deviation,
- deviational,
- deviative,
- deviousness,
- different,
- digression,
- discursion,
- discursive,
- distorted,
- divagation,
- divagatory,
- divarication,
- divergence,
- divergent,
- diversion,
- dogleg,
- double,
- drift,
- drifting,
- eccentric,
- errant,
- errantry,
- erratic,
- erring,
- erroneous,
- excursion,
- excursus,
- exorbitation,
- fallacious,
- false,
- faultful,
- faulty,
- flawed,
- flitting,
- floating,
- footloose,
- footloose and fancy-free,
- formless,
- fugitive,
- gadding,
- gypsy-like,
- gypsyish,
- hairpin,
- heretical,
- heteroclite,
- heterodox,
- heteromorphic,
- hoboism,
- illogical,
- illusory,
- indirection,
- irregular,
- itineracy,
- itinerancy,
- landloping,
- meandering,
- migrational,
- migratory,
- nomad,
- nomadic,
- nomadism,
- not right,
- not true,
- obliquity,
- off,
- off the track,
- out,
- peccant,
- peregrination,
- pererration,
- perverse,
- perverted,
- ramble,
- rambling,
- ranging,
- roam,
- roaming,
- rove,
- roving,
- self-contradictory,
- shapeless,
- sheer,
- shift,
- shifting,
- shifting course,
- shifting path,
- skew,
- slant,
- straggling,
- stray,
- strolling,
- subnormal,
- sweep,
- swerve,
- swerving,
- swinging,
- tack,
- traipsing,
- transient,
- transitory,
- transmigratory,
- turn,
- turning,
- twist,
- unfactual,
- unnatural,
- unorthodox,
- unproved,
- untrue,
- vagabond,
- vagabondage,
- vagabondia,
- vagabondism,
- vagrancy,
- vagrant,
- variation,
- veer,
- wandering,
- wanderlust,
- warp,
- wayfaring,
- wide,
- wrong,
- yaw,
- zigzag