Exact Match:
- stress
- the relative prominence of a syllable or musical note (especially with regard to stress or pitch); "he put the stress on the wrong syllable"
- (physics) force that produces strain on a physical body; "the intensity of stress is expressed in units of force divided by units of area"
- difficulty that causes worry or emotional tension; "she endured the stresses and strains of life"; "he presided over the economy during the period of the greatest stress and danger"- R.J.Samuelson
- special emphasis attached to something; "the stress was more on accuracy than on speed"
- put stress on; utter with an accent; "In Farsi, you accent the last syllable of each word"
- to stress, single out as important; "Dr. Jones emphasizes exercise in addition to a change in diet"
- Alexandrine,
- accent,
- accentuate,
- accentuation,
- ache,
- aching,
- adverse circumstances,
- adversity,
- affliction,
- aggravation,
- ambivalence,
- ambivalence of impulse,
- amphibrach,
- amphimacer,
- anacrusis,
- anapest,
- anguish,
- annoyance,
- antispast,
- anxiety,
- arsis,
- assault,
- bacchius,
- bear,
- bear upon,
- bearing,
- beat,
- belabor,
- blight,
- blow,
- boost,
- buck,
- bull,
- bulldoze,
- bummer,
- bump,
- bump against,
- bunt,
- burden,
- butt,
- butt against,
- cadence,
- caesura,
- care,
- catalexis,
- chloriamb,
- chloriambus,
- clutch,
- colon,
- compulsion,
- concern,
- concernment,
- conflict,
- consequence,
- consequentiality,
- consideration,
- constraint,
- counterpoint,
- cram,
- cramp,
- cretic,
- crisis,
- cross,
- crowd,
- crunch,
- curse,
- cut,
- dactyl,
- dactylic hexameter,
- decompensation,
- diaeresis,
- difficulties,
- difficulty,
- dig,
- dimeter,
- dipody,
- distress,
- disturb,
- dochmiac,
- dolor,
- downer,
- drive,
- dwell on,
- elbow,
- elegiac,
- elegiac couplet,
- elegiac pentameter,
- emergency,
- emotional shock,
- emphasis,
- emphasize,
- epitrite,
- excellence,
- exigency,
- external frustration,
- feature,
- feminine caesura,
- focus on,
- foot,
- force,
- forcefulness,
- frustration,
- give emphasis to,
- goad,
- grief,
- harass,
- hard knocks,
- hard life,
- hard lot,
- hardcase,
- hardship,
- harp on,
- haul,
- head,
- heave,
- heptameter,
- heptapody,
- heroic couplet,
- hexameter,
- hexapody,
- high order,
- high pressure,
- high rank,
- highlight,
- hurt,
- hurtle,
- hustle,
- iamb,
- iambic,
- iambic pentameter,
- ictus,
- imperativeness,
- import,
- importance,
- impulse,
- impulsion,
- injury,
- insistence,
- interest,
- ionic,
- irk,
- irritation,
- italicize,
- jab,
- jam,
- jingle,
- jog,
- joggle,
- jolt,
- jostle,
- lesion,
- level of stress,
- lilt,
- mark,
- masculine caesura,
- materiality,
- measure,
- mental shock,
- mental strain,
- merit,
- meter,
- metrical accent,
- metrical foot,
- metrical group,
- metrical unit,
- metrics,
- metron,
- molossus,
- moment,
- mora,
- movement,
- nasty blow,
- nervous strain,
- nervous tension,
- note,
- nudge,
- numbers,
- overaccentuate,
- overemphasize,
- overexert,
- overexertion,
- overextend,
- overextension,
- overstrain,
- overstress,
- overtax,
- overtaxing,
- paeon,
- pain,
- pang,
- paramountcy,
- passion,
- pentameter,
- pentapody,
- period,
- pile drive,
- pinch,
- place emphasis on,
- play up,
- plight,
- point up,
- poke,
- precedence,
- predicament,
- preeminence,
- press,
- pressure,
- primacy,
- primary stress,
- priority,
- proceleusmatic,
- prod,
- prominence,
- prosodics,
- prosody,
- psychological stress,
- pull,
- punch,
- punctuate,
- push,
- pyrrhic,
- quantity,
- rack,
- ram,
- ram down,
- rash impulse,
- rattle,
- rhythm,
- rhythmic pattern,
- rhythmical stress,
- rigor,
- rub in,
- run,
- run against,
- sea of troubles,
- secondary stress,
- self-importance,
- shake,
- shock,
- shoulder,
- shove,
- significance,
- sore,
- sore spot,
- spasm,
- spondee,
- spotlight,
- sprung rhythm,
- star,
- strain,
- strain every nerve,
- straining,
- stress accent,
- stress and strain,
- stress of life,
- stress pattern,
- stressfulness,
- stretch,
- stroke,
- suffering,
- superiority,
- supremacy,
- sweat blood,
- swing,
- syzygy,
- tamp,
- tautness,
- tax,
- taxing,
- tender spot,
- tense,
- tenseness,
- tension,
- tertiary stress,
- tetrameter,
- tetrapody,
- tetraseme,
- thesis,
- throes,
- thrust,
- torque,
- torsion,
- trauma,
- traumatism,
- trial,
- tribrach,
- tribulation,
- trimeter,
- tripody,
- triseme,
- trochee,
- trouble,
- troubles,
- try,
- tug,
- underline,
- underscore,
- upset,
- urge,
- urgency,
- vale of tears,
- value,
- vicissitude,
- weak stress,
- weight,
- worry,
- worth,
- wound,
- wrench