Exact Match:
- suffix
- an affix that is added at the end of the word
- attach a suffix to; "suffix words"
- IC analysis,
- PS,
- Parthian shot,
- accidence,
- add,
- addendum,
- addition,
- adjoin,
- affix,
- affixation,
- afterthought,
- agglutinate,
- allomorph,
- allonge,
- amend,
- annex,
- append,
- appendix,
- attach,
- back matter,
- bound morpheme,
- burden,
- chorus,
- coda,
- codicil,
- colophon,
- commentary,
- complicate,
- conclusion,
- conjoin,
- conjugation,
- consequence,
- continuance,
- continuation,
- cutting,
- declension,
- decorate,
- derivation,
- desinence,
- difference of form,
- double take,
- dying words,
- enclitic,
- encumber,
- ending,
- envoi,
- epilogue,
- follow-through,
- follow-up,
- formative,
- free form,
- glue on,
- hitch on,
- immediate constituent analysis,
- infix,
- infixation,
- inflection,
- interlineation,
- interpolation,
- join,
- join with,
- last words,
- marginalia,
- morph,
- morpheme,
- morphemic analysis,
- morphemics,
- morphology,
- morphophonemics,
- note,
- ornament,
- paradigm,
- parting shot,
- paste on,
- peroration,
- plus,
- postface,
- postfix,
- postlude,
- postscript,
- prefix,
- prefixation,
- proclitic,
- put with,
- radical,
- refrain,
- rider,
- root,
- saddle with,
- scholia,
- second thought,
- sequel,
- sequela,
- sequelae,
- sequelant,
- sequent,
- sequitur,
- slap on,
- stem,
- subjoin,
- subscript,
- suffixation,
- superadd,
- superpose,
- supplement,
- swan song,
- tack on,
- tag,
- tag on,
- tail,
- theme,
- unite with,
- word-formation