Exact Match:
- superficially
- in a superficial manner; "he was superficially interested"
- amain,
- apace,
- apparently,
- aridly,
- as it seems,
- at first sight,
- at once,
- barrenly,
- bloodlessly,
- by forced marches,
- colorlessly,
- cursorily,
- dismally,
- draggily,
- drearily,
- drearisomely,
- dryly,
- dully,
- dustily,
- effetely,
- emptily,
- expeditiously,
- exteriorly,
- externally,
- feverishly,
- frivolously,
- furiously,
- hand over fist,
- hastily,
- heavily,
- helter-skelter,
- hollowly,
- hotfoot,
- hurriedly,
- hurry-scurry,
- idly,
- immaterially,
- immediately,
- in passing,
- inanely,
- inconsequentially,
- insignificantly,
- insipidly,
- instantly,
- jejunely,
- lifelessly,
- lightly,
- on the outside,
- on the run,
- on the surface,
- openly,
- ostensibly,
- out,
- outside,
- outwardly,
- outwards,
- pallidly,
- pell-mell,
- pettily,
- ploddingly,
- pointlessly,
- ponderously,
- prima facie,
- promptly,
- publically,
- quickly,
- seemingly,
- shallowly,
- slapdash,
- slowly,
- speedily,
- spiritlessly,
- stodgily,
- stuffily,
- swiftly,
- tastelessly,
- tediously,
- to all appearances,
- to all seeming,
- to the eye,
- triflingly,
- trivially,
- unessentially,
- unimportantly,
- uninterestingly,
- vapidly,
- with a rush,
- with all haste,
- with dispatch,
- with haste,
- without