Exact Match:
- suspicion
- being of a suspicious nature; "his suspiciousness destroyed his marriage"
- the state of being suspected; "he tried to shield me from suspicion"
- Pyrrhonism,
- apprehension,
- apprehensiveness,
- bare suggestion,
- broad hint,
- cageyness,
- cast,
- caution,
- cautiousness,
- chariness,
- clue,
- concern,
- cue,
- dash,
- diffidence,
- disinclination to believe,
- distrust,
- distrustfulness,
- doubt,
- doubtfulness,
- dubiety,
- dubiousness,
- feeling,
- flavor,
- foreboding,
- forefeeling,
- funny feeling,
- gentle hint,
- gesture,
- gleam,
- glimmer,
- glimmering,
- guardedness,
- half an idea,
- half-belief,
- hazy idea,
- hesitation,
- hint,
- hunch,
- idea,
- implication,
- impression,
- incertitude,
- inconvincibility,
- incredulity,
- index,
- indication,
- infusion,
- inkling,
- innuendo,
- insinuation,
- intimation,
- intuition,
- intuitive impression,
- kick,
- leeriness,
- lick,
- look,
- mere notion,
- misdoubt,
- misgiving,
- mistrust,
- mistrustfulness,
- nod,
- notion,
- nudge,
- preapprehension,
- premonition,
- presentiment,
- prompt,
- qualm,
- question,
- resistiveness to belief,
- sauce,
- scent,
- scepticism,
- scintilla,
- scruple,
- scrupulousness,
- seasoning,
- second thoughts,
- self-doubt,
- shade,
- shadow,
- shadow of doubt,
- sign,
- signal,
- sip,
- skepticalness,
- skepticism,
- smack,
- smattering,
- smell,
- sneaking suspicion,
- soupcon,
- spark,
- spice,
- spoor,
- sprinkling,
- suggestion,
- sup,
- suspect,
- suspiciousness,
- symptom,
- tad,
- taint,
- taste,
- telltale,
- tempering,
- thought,
- tinct,
- tincture,
- tinge,
- tint,
- total skepticism,
- touch,
- tough-mindedness,
- trace,
- track,
- uncertainty,
- unconvincibility,
- uncredulousness,
- unpersuadability,
- unpersuasibility,
- vague feeling,
- vague idea,
- vestige,
- wariness,
- whiff,
- whisper,
- wink,
- wonder