Exact Match:
- tight
- affected by scarcity and expensive to borrow; "tight money"; "a tight market"
- packed closely together; "the stood in a tight little group"; "hair in tight curls"; "the pub was packed tight"
- of such close construction as to be impermeable; "a tight roof"; "warm in our tight little house"
- closely constrained or constricted or constricting; "tight skirts"; "he hated tight starched collars"; "fingers closed in a tight fist"; "a tight feeling in his chest"
- securely or solidly fixed in place; rigid; "the bolts are tight"
- set so close together as to be invulnerable to penetration; "in tight formation"; "a tight blockade"
- Spartan,
- abbreviated,
- abridged,
- afflicted,
- airtight,
- all ataunto,
- anal,
- angustifoliate,
- angustirostrate,
- angustisellate,
- angustiseptal,
- aposiopestic,
- arduous,
- ataunt,
- austere,
- autocratic,
- avaricious,
- ballproof,
- bent,
- binding,
- boiled,
- bombed,
- bombproof,
- bonded,
- boozy,
- brief,
- brusque,
- bulletproof,
- bungup and bilge-free,
- burglarproof,
- canned,
- cemented,
- cheap,
- cheeseparing,
- chinchy,
- chintzy,
- circumscribed,
- clipped,
- close,
- close-fitting,
- closefisted,
- closely,
- cockeyed,
- cockeyed drunk,
- compact,
- compactly,
- compendious,
- compressed,
- concise,
- condensed,
- confined,
- connected,
- consecutive,
- consistent,
- constricted,
- continuous,
- contracted,
- corrosionproof,
- cramp,
- cramped,
- crisp,
- critical,
- crocked,
- crocko,
- crowded,
- curt,
- cut,
- dampproof,
- dangerous,
- dear,
- dense,
- densely,
- difficult,
- dinky,
- distressing,
- disturbing,
- docked,
- dragged out,
- drawn,
- drawn out,
- drunk,
- drunken,
- dustproof,
- dusttight,
- elevated,
- elliptic,
- elongated,
- epigrammatic,
- exacting,
- exiguous,
- expensive,
- extended,
- fast,
- fastened,
- fire-resisting,
- fireproof,
- firm,
- firmly,
- fixed,
- fixedly,
- flameproof,
- foolproof,
- fried,
- fuddled,
- gasproof,
- gastight,
- glued,
- gnomic,
- half-seas over,
- hard and fast,
- hardfisted,
- harsh,
- hazardous,
- hermetic,
- hermetically sealed,
- high,
- holeproof,
- illiberal,
- illuminated,
- impenetrable,
- impermeable,
- impervious,
- impervious to,
- incapacious,
- incommodious,
- inebriated,
- inflexible,
- infrequent,
- inseparably,
- intoxicated,
- isthmian,
- isthmic,
- jammed,
- joined,
- laconic,
- leakproof,
- lengthened,
- lightproof,
- lighttight,
- limited,
- lit,
- lit up,
- loaded,
- lubricated,
- lushy,
- meager,
- mean,
- mingy,
- miserly,
- muzzy,
- narrow,
- near,
- neat,
- niggardly,
- noiseproof,
- oiled,
- oilproof,
- oiltight,
- orderly,
- organized,
- parsimonious,
- penny-pinching,
- penurious,
- perilous,
- pickled,
- piddling,
- pie-eyed,
- pinchfisted,
- pinching,
- pissed,
- pissy-eyed,
- pithy,
- plastered,
- pointed,
- pokerlike,
- polluted,
- poor,
- potted,
- precarious,
- problematic,
- prolongated,
- prolonged,
- proof,
- proof against,
- protracted,
- pruned,
- pulled,
- punctureproof,
- punishing,
- raddled,
- rainproof,
- raintight,
- ramrodlike,
- rare,
- renitent,
- reserved,
- resistant,
- restricted,
- restrictive,
- rigid,
- rigorous,
- risky,
- rodlike,
- rough,
- rustproof,
- save-all,
- scant,
- scanty,
- scarce,
- scattered,
- scrimping,
- scrimpy,
- sealed,
- secure,
- secured,
- securely,
- seldom met with,
- seldom seen,
- sententious,
- sequent,
- sequential,
- serial,
- set,
- severe,
- shatterproof,
- shellacked,
- shellproof,
- shipshape,
- short,
- short and sweet,
- shortened,
- shut fast,
- skimping,
- skimpy,
- skintight,
- skunk-drunk,
- sleek,
- slender,
- slick,
- slim,
- smart,
- smashed,
- smokeproof,
- smoketight,
- snug,
- soaked,
- solid,
- solidly,
- soundproof,
- soused,
- sparse,
- spotty,
- sprinkled,
- spruce,
- spun out,
- squiffy,
- starched,
- starchy,
- staunch,
- steadfast,
- steadfastly,
- stern,
- stewed,
- sticky,
- stiff,
- stiff as buckram,
- stingy,
- stinko,
- stormproof,
- stormtight,
- straggling,
- strained,
- strait,
- stretched,
- stretched out,
- strict,
- stringent,
- strung out,
- stuck,
- succinct,
- summary,
- swacked,
- synopsized,
- taciturn,
- tanked,
- taped,
- taut,
- tenacious,
- tense,
- terse,
- thick,
- thin,
- ticklish,
- tiddly,
- tidy,
- tight-fisted,
- tightened,
- tightfisted,
- tightly,
- tipsy,
- to the point,
- touch-and-go,
- touchy,
- tough,
- tricksy,
- tricky,
- trig,
- trim,
- truncated,
- trying,
- uncompromising,
- under the influence,
- ungenerous,
- uninterrupted,
- unrelaxed,
- unyielding,
- upsetting,
- virgate,
- water-repellant,
- waterproof,
- watertight,
- weatherproof,
- wedged,
- well-cared-for,
- well-groomed,
- windproof,
- windtight,
- woozy