Exact Match:
- tribune
- the apse of a Christian church that contains the bishop's throne
- (ancient Rome) an official elected by the plebeians to protect their interests
- Areopagite,
- archon,
- balcony,
- catafalque,
- dais,
- deemster,
- dempster,
- doomsman,
- doomster,
- emplacement,
- estrade,
- floor,
- gallery,
- heliport,
- hustings,
- justiciar,
- justiciary,
- landing,
- landing pad,
- landing stage,
- launching pad,
- platform,
- podesta,
- podium,
- praetor,
- pulpit,
- rostrum,
- soapbox,
- stage,
- step terrace,
- stump,
- syndic,
- terrace,
- tribunal