Exact Match:
- trough
- a long narrow shallow receptacle
- a narrow depression (as in the earth or between ocean waves or in the ocean bed)
- adit,
- aerospace,
- aerosphere,
- air hole,
- air pocket,
- airspace,
- alveolation,
- alveolus,
- amplitude,
- antinode,
- antrum,
- aqueduct,
- armpit,
- basin,
- billow,
- bore,
- bottom,
- bottom glade,
- bottoms,
- bowl,
- breakers,
- bump,
- burrow,
- canal,
- canalization,
- canalize,
- carve,
- cavity,
- ceiling,
- chamfer,
- channel,
- chisel,
- chop,
- choppiness,
- chopping sea,
- chute,
- comb,
- comber,
- concave,
- concavity,
- conduit,
- corrugate,
- course,
- crack,
- crater,
- crest,
- crimp,
- crosswind,
- crypt,
- cup,
- cut,
- dado,
- dale,
- de Broglie wave,
- dell,
- delve,
- depression,
- diffraction,
- dig,
- dig out,
- dike,
- dingle,
- dip,
- dirty water,
- ditch,
- dredge,
- drill,
- drive,
- duct,
- eagre,
- eaves trough,
- egress,
- electromagnetic radiation,
- electromagnetic wave,
- empty space,
- engrave,
- entrance,
- entrenchment,
- excavate,
- exit,
- favorable wind,
- flute,
- fog,
- fold,
- follicle,
- fosse,
- frequency,
- frequency band,
- frequency spectrum,
- front,
- funnel chest,
- furrow,
- gap,
- gash,
- gill,
- glen,
- goffer,
- gouge,
- gouge out,
- gravity wave,
- groove,
- ground swell,
- grove,
- grub,
- guide,
- guided wave,
- gully,
- gutter,
- ha-ha,
- head wind,
- heave,
- heavy sea,
- heavy swell,
- high-pressure area,
- hole,
- hollow,
- hollow shell,
- in phase,
- incise,
- ingress,
- interference,
- intervale,
- ionosphere,
- jetstream,
- kennel,
- lacuna,
- lift,
- light,
- longitudinal wave,
- lop,
- low-pressure area,
- lower,
- lunar rill,
- mechanical wave,
- mine,
- moat,
- node,
- out of phase,
- overcast,
- pass,
- passage,
- passageway,
- peak,
- penstock,
- pentrough,
- period,
- periodic wave,
- pit,
- pleat,
- plow,
- pocket,
- popple,
- punch bowl,
- quarry,
- rabbet,
- radio wave,
- ravine,
- ray,
- reinforcement,
- resonance,
- resonance frequency,
- riffle,
- rifle,
- ripple,
- rise,
- roll,
- roller,
- rough water,
- roughness,
- rut,
- sap,
- scend,
- scoop,
- scoop out,
- score,
- scrabble,
- scrape,
- scratch,
- sea,
- seismic wave,
- send,
- shell,
- shock wave,
- shoot,
- shovel,
- sink,
- sinus,
- slit,
- socket,
- sound wave,
- soup,
- space,
- spade,
- strath,
- stratosphere,
- streak,
- striate,
- substratosphere,
- sunk fence,
- surf,
- surface wave,
- surge,
- swell,
- tail wind,
- tidal bore,
- tidal wave,
- tide wave,
- transverse wave,
- trench,
- tropopause,
- troposphere,
- troughing,
- troughway,
- tsunami,
- tunnel,
- turbulence,
- undulation,
- vale,
- valley,
- visibility,
- visibility zero,
- vug,
- wadi,
- water wave,
- wave,
- wave equation,
- wave motion,
- wave number,
- wavelength,
- wavelet,
- way,
- white horses,
- whitecaps,
- wrinkle