Exact Match:
- unaccompanied
- (of a state or an event) taking place without something specified occurring at the same time; "a headache unaccompanied by other symptoms"
- without accompaniment or companions; "the soloist sang unaccompanied"; "it had dramatic energy unaccompanied by an adequate sense of dramatic form"; "unaccompanied women were excluded"
- a cappella,
- alienated,
- alone,
- aloof,
- apart,
- companionless,
- detached,
- friendless,
- homeless,
- insular,
- isolate,
- isolated,
- kithless,
- lone,
- lonely,
- lonesome,
- removed,
- rootless,
- separate,
- separated,
- single-handed,
- solitary,
- solo,
- stag,
- unabetted,
- unaided,
- unassisted,
- unattended,
- unchaperoned,
- unescorted,
- unseconded,
- unsupported,
- withdrawn