Exact Match:
- unaffected
- undergoing no change when acted upon; "entirely unaffected by each other's writings"; "fibers remained apparently unaffected by the treatment"
- free of artificiality; sincere and genuine; "an unaffected grace"
- Attic,
- Bohemian,
- Ciceronian,
- Spartan,
- adamant,
- adamantine,
- aesthetic,
- affable,
- arcadian,
- artistic,
- artless,
- ascetic,
- austere,
- authentic,
- bald,
- bare,
- bona fide,
- bucolic,
- candid,
- card-carrying,
- cast-iron,
- casual,
- chaste,
- choice,
- classic,
- clear,
- common,
- commonplace,
- cordial,
- degage,
- dinkum,
- direct,
- dour,
- dry,
- dull,
- easy,
- easygoing,
- elegant,
- excellent,
- familiar,
- finished,
- firm,
- flinty,
- folksy,
- following the letter,
- frank,
- free and easy,
- genuine,
- good,
- graceful,
- gracile,
- gracious,
- grim,
- guileless,
- hard,
- hard-core,
- haymish,
- homely,
- homespun,
- homey,
- honest,
- honest-to-God,
- immovable,
- immutable,
- implacable,
- impliable,
- in good taste,
- inartificial,
- inelastic,
- inexorable,
- inflexible,
- informal,
- ingenuous,
- intransigent,
- iron,
- irreconcilable,
- irregular,
- lawful,
- lean,
- legitimate,
- lifelike,
- limpid,
- literal,
- loose,
- lucid,
- native,
- natural,
- naturalistic,
- naturelike,
- neat,
- of choice,
- of quality,
- offhand,
- offhanded,
- open,
- original,
- pastoral,
- pellucid,
- perspicuous,
- plain,
- plain-speaking,
- plain-spoken,
- pleasing,
- polished,
- prosaic,
- prosing,
- prosy,
- pure,
- quiet,
- real,
- realistic,
- refined,
- relaxed,
- relentless,
- restrained,
- rightful,
- rigid,
- rigorous,
- rock-ribbed,
- round,
- rural,
- rustic,
- severe,
- simon-pure,
- simple,
- simple-speaking,
- sincere,
- sober,
- sociable,
- spare,
- stark,
- steely,
- sterling,
- stern,
- stiff,
- straightforward,
- subdued,
- sure-enough,
- tasteful,
- terse,
- trim,
- true to life,
- true to nature,
- true to reality,
- unadorned,
- unadulterated,
- unalterable,
- unanimated,
- unartificial,
- unassumed,
- unassuming,
- unbeguileful,
- unbeguiling,
- unbending,
- uncalculating,
- unceremonious,
- unchangeable,
- uncolored,
- uncompromising,
- unconcocted,
- unconstrained,
- unconventional,
- uncopied,
- uncounterfeited,
- undeceitful,
- undeceiving,
- undeceptive,
- understated,
- undesigning,
- undisguised,
- undisguising,
- undissembling,
- undissimulated,
- undissimulating,
- undistorted,
- unembellished,
- unexaggerated,
- unfabricated,
- unfanciful,
- unfeigned,
- unfeigning,
- unfictitious,
- unflattering,
- ungiving,
- unimaginative,
- unimagined,
- unimitated,
- unimpressed,
- uninfluenced,
- uninspired,
- uninvented,
- unlabored,
- unmoved,
- unobtrusive,
- unofficial,
- unpoetical,
- unpretended,
- unpretending,
- unpretentious,
- unqualified,
- unrelenting,
- unromantic,
- unruffled,
- unschooled,
- unsimulated,
- unsophisticated,
- unspecious,
- unspoiled,
- unstirred,
- unstruck,
- unstudied,
- unswayed,
- unsynthetic,
- untouched,
- untrimmed,
- untutored,
- unvarnished,
- unyielding,
- verbal,
- verbatim,
- veridical,
- verisimilar,
- well-chosen,
- word-for-word