- above water,
- abstruse,
- armored,
- at anchor,
- back-door,
- backstairs,
- beclouded,
- behind the curtain,
- behind the scenes,
- behind the veil,
- blind,
- buried,
- cased,
- ceiled,
- clandestine,
- cloaked,
- close,
- clouded,
- coated,
- concealed,
- confidential,
- coped,
- covered,
- covert,
- covertly,
- cowled,
- curtained,
- doggo,
- eclipsed,
- encapsulated,
- encapsuled,
- encased,
- enveloped,
- enwrapped,
- feline,
- filmed,
- floored,
- furtive,
- hid,
- hidden,
- hidden out,
- hidlings,
- high and dry,
- hole-and-corner,
- hooded,
- housed,
- hugger-mugger,
- hush-hush,
- in a cloud,
- in a corner,
- in a fog,
- in a whisper,
- in ambush,
- in darkness,
- in eclipse,
- in harbor,
- in hiding,
- in hidlings,
- in purdah,
- in safety,
- in secret,
- in the background,
- in the clear,
- in the dark,
- in the wings,
- incommunicado,
- latent,
- loricate,
- loricated,
- lurking,
- mantled,
- masked,
- muffled,
- mysterious,
- nobody the wiser,
- obfuscated,
- obscure,
- obscured,
- occult,
- occulted,
- on,
- on tiptoe,
- out of danger,
- packaged,
- past danger,
- paved,
- private,
- privy,
- prowling,
- pussyfoot,
- pussyfooted,
- quiet,
- recondite,
- roofed-in,
- screened,
- scummed,
- secluded,
- secluse,
- secret,
- secretly,
- sequestered,
- sheathed,
- shelled,
- shielded,
- shifty,
- shrouded,
- skulking,
- slinking,
- slinky,
- sly,
- sneaking,
- sneaky,
- sotto voce,
- stealing,
- stealthy,
- sub rosa,
- surreptitious,
- swathed,
- tented,
- terra firma,
- under an eclipse,
- under cover,
- under house arrest,
- under the breath,
- under the rose,
- under wraps,
- under-the-counter,
- under-the-table,
- underground,
- underhand,
- underhanded,
- underneath,
- unknown,
- unobtrusive,
- veiled,
- waiting concealed,
- walled,
- walled-in,
- with bated breath,
- wrapped,
- wrapped in clouds