Exact Match:
- undetermined
- not yet having been ascertained or determined; "of undetermined species"
- accidental,
- adventitious,
- aleatoric,
- aleatory,
- ambitendent,
- ambivalent,
- amorphous,
- at issue,
- at loose ends,
- bleary,
- blobby,
- blurred,
- blurry,
- broad,
- capricious,
- casual,
- causeless,
- chance,
- chancy,
- changeable,
- chaotic,
- conditional,
- conditioned,
- confused,
- contingent,
- dependent,
- depending,
- destinal,
- dicey,
- dim,
- disordered,
- double-minded,
- dubious,
- fatal,
- fatidic,
- fence-sitting,
- fence-straddling,
- fickle,
- fluky,
- foggy,
- fortuitous,
- fuzzy,
- general,
- groundless,
- hazy,
- hit-or-miss,
- iffy,
- ill-defined,
- imprecise,
- in question,
- in suspense,
- in the balance,
- inaccurate,
- inchoate,
- incidental,
- incoherent,
- inconclusive,
- indecisive,
- indefinable,
- indefinite,
- indeterminable,
- indeterminate,
- indistinct,
- inexact,
- infirm of purpose,
- irresolute,
- irresolved,
- lax,
- loose,
- mercurial,
- mugwumpian,
- mugwumpish,
- mutable,
- nonspecific,
- not following,
- not proved,
- obscure,
- of two minds,
- open,
- orderless,
- pendent,
- pending,
- random,
- risky,
- shadowed forth,
- shadowy,
- shapeless,
- stochastic,
- suspenseful,
- sweeping,
- unascertained,
- unattested,
- unauthenticated,
- uncaused,
- uncertain,
- uncertified,
- unclear,
- unconfirmed,
- uncorroborated,
- uncounted,
- undecided,
- undefined,
- undemonstrated,
- undenied,
- undestined,
- unestablished,
- unexpected,
- unfixed,
- unforeseeable,
- unforeseen,
- unfounded,
- unlooked-for,
- unplain,
- unpredictable,
- unproved,
- unproven,
- unresolved,
- unsettled,
- unshown,
- unspecified,
- unsubstantiated,
- unsupported,
- unsupported by evidence,
- unsustained,
- untested,
- untold,
- untried,
- unvalidated,
- unverified,
- up for grabs,
- vague,
- veiled,
- without basis,
- without grounds