Exact Match:
- upright
- a piano with a vertical sounding board
- a vertical structural member as a post or stake; "the ball sailed between the uprights"
- in a vertical position; not sloping; "an upright post"
- Christian,
- Klavier,
- Samson post,
- Steinway,
- angelic,
- arrowlike,
- at attention,
- azimuth circle,
- baby grand,
- baluster,
- balustrade,
- banister,
- base,
- blameless,
- bolt upright,
- caryatid,
- cast up,
- cembalo,
- clarichord,
- clavicembalo,
- clavichord,
- clavicittern,
- clavicymbal,
- clavicytherium,
- clavier,
- clean,
- colonnade,
- column,
- concert grand,
- conscientious,
- cottage piano,
- couched harp,
- creditable,
- dado,
- dead straight,
- decent,
- die,
- direct,
- doorjamb,
- doorpost,
- downright,
- dulcimer harpsichord,
- elevate,
- elevated,
- endways,
- endwise,
- equitable,
- erect,
- erectly,
- estimable,
- ethical,
- even,
- exalted,
- exemplary,
- fair,
- flat,
- footstalk,
- full of integrity,
- gatepost,
- godly,
- good,
- grand,
- grand piano,
- hammer dulcimer,
- harmonichord,
- harpsichord,
- high,
- high-minded,
- high-principled,
- highly respectable,
- hitching post,
- honest,
- honorable,
- horizontal,
- immaculate,
- impartial,
- in a line,
- incorruptible,
- inviolate,
- irreproachable,
- jack,
- jamb,
- just,
- king post,
- law-abiding,
- law-loving,
- law-revering,
- level,
- lift up,
- lifted,
- lineal,
- linear,
- lofty,
- manichord,
- manichordon,
- manly,
- melodion,
- melopiano,
- milepost,
- monochord,
- moral,
- mullion,
- newel-post,
- noble,
- normal,
- on end,
- on stilts,
- orthodiagonal,
- pair of virginals,
- parlor grand,
- pedestal,
- pedicel,
- peduncle,
- perpendicular,
- perpendicularly,
- pianette,
- pianino,
- piano,
- piano-violin,
- pianoforte,
- pier,
- pilaster,
- pile,
- piling,
- pillar,
- pitch,
- plinth,
- plumb,
- pole,
- post,
- principled,
- pure,
- queen-post,
- raise,
- raise aloft,
- raise up,
- raised,
- rampant,
- rear,
- rear aloft,
- rearing,
- rectilineal,
- rectilinear,
- reputable,
- respectable,
- right,
- right angle,
- right on end,
- right-minded,
- righteous,
- ruler-straight,
- saintlike,
- saintly,
- scrupulous,
- seraphic,
- set up,
- shaft,
- signpost,
- smooth,
- snubbing post,
- socle,
- sostinente pianoforte,
- spinet,
- spotless,
- square piano,
- staff,
- stainless,
- stalk,
- stanchion,
- stand,
- stand upright,
- stand-up,
- standard,
- standing up,
- stem,
- sterling,
- stile,
- stilted,
- straight,
- straight-cut,
- straight-front,
- straight-side,
- straight-up,
- straightforward,
- streamlined,
- subbase,
- sublime,
- surbase,
- true,
- true-dealing,
- true-devoted,
- true-disposing,
- true-souled,
- true-spirited,
- truehearted,
- trunk,
- trustworthy,
- unbending,
- unbent,
- unblemished,
- unbowed,
- unbroken,
- uncorrupt,
- uncorrupted,
- uncurved,
- undefiled,
- undeflected,
- undeviating,
- undistorted,
- unimpeachable,
- uninterrupted,
- unspotted,
- unstained,
- unsullied,
- unswerving,
- untarnished,
- unturned,
- up,
- up on end,
- upcast,
- upend,
- upended,
- upflung,
- upheave,
- uplift,
- uplifted,
- upraise,
- upraised,
- uprear,
- upreared,
- upright piano,
- uprighteous,
- uprightly,
- upstanding,
- upstandingly,
- upthrown,
- upwards,
- vertical,
- vertical circle,
- violin piano,
- virginal,
- virtuous,
- worthy,
- yeomanly