Exact Match:
- verse
- a piece of poetry
- a line of metrical text
- familiarize through thorough study or experience; "She versed herself in Roman archeology"
- compose verses or put into verse; "He versified the ancient saga"
- English sonnet,
- Horatian ode,
- Italian sonnet,
- Petrarchan sonnet,
- Pindaric ode,
- Sapphic ode,
- Shakespearean sonnet,
- Spenserian stanza,
- acquaint,
- adage,
- advertise,
- advertise of,
- advise,
- alba,
- ana,
- anacreontic,
- anacrusis,
- analects,
- antistrophe,
- aphorism,
- apothegm,
- apprise,
- article,
- avant-propos,
- axiom,
- back matter,
- balada,
- ballad,
- ballade,
- bass passage,
- book,
- bourdon,
- breakthrough,
- bridge,
- brief,
- bring word,
- bucolic,
- burden,
- byword,
- cadence,
- canso,
- canto,
- catchword,
- chanson,
- chapter,
- chorus,
- clause,
- clerihew,
- climb Parnassus,
- coda,
- collected sayings,
- column,
- communicate,
- compose poetry,
- couplet,
- current saying,
- development,
- dictate,
- dictum,
- dirge,
- disclose,
- distich,
- dithyramb,
- division,
- eclogue,
- elegize,
- elegy,
- enlighten,
- envoi,
- epic,
- epigram,
- epithalamium,
- epode,
- epopee,
- epopoeia,
- epos,
- exordium,
- exposition,
- expression,
- familiarize,
- fascicle,
- figure,
- folderol,
- folio,
- foreword,
- front matter,
- frontispiece,
- gathering,
- georgic,
- ghazel,
- give notice,
- give the facts,
- give word,
- gnome,
- golden saying,
- haiku,
- harmonic close,
- heptastich,
- hexastich,
- idyll,
- inform,
- innovation,
- installment,
- instruct,
- interlude,
- intermezzo,
- introduction,
- introductory phrase,
- jingle,
- lay,
- leap,
- leave word,
- let know,
- limerick,
- line,
- lisp in numbers,
- livraison,
- lyric,
- madrigal,
- make immortal verse,
- maxim,
- measure,
- mention to,
- monody,
- monostich,
- moral,
- mot,
- motto,
- mount Pegasus,
- movement,
- musical phrase,
- musical sentence,
- musical thought,
- narrative poem,
- notify,
- number,
- nursery rhyme,
- octastich,
- octave,
- octet,
- ode,
- oracle,
- ornament,
- ottava rima,
- overture,
- page,
- palinode,
- paragraph,
- part,
- passage,
- pastoral,
- pastoral elegy,
- pastorela,
- pastourelle,
- pentastich,
- period,
- phrase,
- pithy saying,
- poem,
- poesy,
- poetize,
- poetry,
- postulate,
- preamble,
- precept,
- preface,
- prefix,
- prefixture,
- preliminary,
- prelude,
- premise,
- prescript,
- presupposition,
- proem,
- prolegomena,
- prolegomenon,
- prolepsis,
- prologue,
- protasis,
- prothalamium,
- proverb,
- proverbial saying,
- proverbs,
- quatrain,
- refrain,
- report,
- resolution,
- response,
- rhyme,
- rhyme royal,
- ritornello,
- rondeau,
- rondel,
- roundel,
- roundelay,
- rune,
- satire,
- saw,
- saying,
- section,
- send word,
- sentence,
- sententious expression,
- septet,
- serial,
- serve notice,
- sestet,
- sestina,
- sextet,
- sheet,
- signature,
- sing,
- sing deathless songs,
- sloka,
- song,
- sonnet,
- sonnet sequence,
- speak,
- stanza,
- statement,
- stave,
- stock saying,
- strain,
- strophe,
- sutra,
- syllable,
- tailpiece,
- tanka,
- teaching,
- tell,
- tenso,
- tenzone,
- tercet,
- terza rima,
- tetrastich,
- text,
- the supreme fiction,
- threnody,
- triolet,
- triplet,
- tristich,
- troubadour poem,
- tutti,
- tutti passage,
- variation,
- verselet,
- versicle,
- versify,
- villanelle,
- virelay,
- volume,
- voluntary,
- wisdom,
- wisdom literature,
- wise saying,
- witticism,
- word,
- words of wisdom,
- write poetry