Exact Match:
- vibration
- the act of vibrating
- a distinctive emotional aura experienced instinctively; "that place gave me bad vibrations"
- ague,
- bumpiness,
- caring,
- ceaselessness,
- chattering,
- chord,
- chorea,
- cold shivers,
- concern,
- constancy,
- constant flow,
- continualness,
- continuity,
- echo,
- empathy,
- fellow feeling,
- fits and starts,
- fluctuation,
- frequency,
- frequency band,
- frequency spectrum,
- harmonic motion,
- identification,
- incessancy,
- involvement,
- jactation,
- jactitation,
- jerkiness,
- joltiness,
- libration,
- noninterruption,
- nutation,
- oscillation,
- palsy,
- pathos,
- pendulation,
- periodicity,
- perpetuity,
- pulsation,
- quaking,
- quavering,
- quick fire,
- quivering,
- rapid fire,
- rapid recurrence,
- rapid succession,
- rapidity,
- regularity,
- relating,
- repetition,
- resonance,
- resonance frequency,
- response,
- responsiveness,
- shakes,
- shaking,
- sharing,
- shivering,
- shivers,
- shuddering,
- spasms,
- staccato,
- steadiness,
- stuttering,
- succussion,
- sustainment,
- sympathetic chord,
- sympathetic response,
- sympathy,
- tattoo,
- trembling,
- tremulousness,
- unintermission,
- uninterruption,
- vacillation,
- vibes,
- vibrancy,
- vibratility,
- vibrations,
- wavering