Exact Match:
- vicious circle
- an argument that assumes that which is to be proved
- one trouble leads to another that aggravates the first
- absurdity,
- aimlessness,
- annular muscle,
- annulus,
- apparent soundness,
- areola,
- aureole,
- bootlessness,
- casuistry,
- chain of circumstances,
- chain reaction,
- chaplet,
- chapter of accidents,
- circle,
- circuit,
- circularity,
- circumference,
- circus,
- closed circle,
- concatenation of events,
- corona,
- coronet,
- crown,
- cycle,
- diadem,
- discus,
- disingenuousness,
- disk,
- distortion,
- emptiness,
- equivocalness,
- equivocation,
- eternal return,
- evasive reasoning,
- fairy ring,
- fallaciousness,
- fallacy,
- fatuity,
- feast and famine,
- fecklessness,
- fruitlessness,
- futility,
- garland,
- glory,
- halo,
- hollowness,
- impotence,
- inanity,
- ineffectiveness,
- ineffectuality,
- inefficacy,
- ins and outs,
- insincerity,
- jesuitism,
- jesuitry,
- lasso,
- logical circle,
- loop,
- looplet,
- magic circle,
- meaninglessness,
- misapplication,
- mystification,
- noose,
- nugacity,
- obfuscation,
- obscurantism,
- orbit,
- otiosity,
- oversubtlety,
- perversion,
- philosophism,
- plausibility,
- plausibleness,
- pointlessness,
- profitlessness,
- purposelessness,
- radius,
- rat race,
- rationalization,
- ring,
- rondelle,
- round,
- roundel,
- saucer,
- sophism,
- sophistical reasoning,
- sophistication,
- sophistry,
- special pleading,
- speciosity,
- specious reasoning,
- speciousness,
- sphincter,
- subtlety,
- the absurd,
- triviality,
- unproductiveness,
- unprofitability,
- unprofitableness,
- ups and downs,
- valuelessness,
- vanity,
- vicious reasoning,
- vicissitudes,
- vicissitudes of fortune,
- wheel,
- worthlessness,
- wreath