Exact Match:
- villain
- a wicked or evil person; someone who does evil deliberately
- the principle bad character in a film or work of fiction
- Roscius,
- SOB,
- actor,
- actress,
- antagonist,
- antihero,
- bad guy,
- bad person,
- barnstormer,
- bastard,
- bit,
- bit part,
- blackguard,
- blighter,
- bounder,
- cad,
- caitiff,
- cast,
- character,
- character actor,
- character man,
- character woman,
- child actor,
- criminal,
- crook,
- cue,
- cur,
- deceiver,
- delinquent,
- devil,
- diseur,
- diseuse,
- dog,
- dramatizer,
- evildoer,
- fat part,
- feeder,
- felon,
- foil,
- gangster,
- heavy,
- hero,
- heroine,
- histrio,
- histrion,
- ingenue,
- juvenile,
- knave,
- lawbreaker,
- lead,
- lead role,
- leading lady,
- leading man,
- leading woman,
- lines,
- malefactor,
- malevolent,
- malfeasant,
- malfeasor,
- matinee idol,
- mime,
- mimer,
- mimic,
- miscreant,
- misfeasor,
- mobster,
- monologist,
- mummer,
- outlaw,
- pantomime,
- pantomimist,
- part,
- person,
- personage,
- piece,
- playactor,
- player,
- precious rascal,
- protagonist,
- protean actor,
- public enemy,
- racketeer,
- rapscallion,
- rascal,
- rat,
- reciter,
- reptile,
- rogue,
- role,
- rotter,
- scalawag,
- scamp,
- scoundrel,
- shyster,
- side,
- sinner,
- sneak,
- soubrette,
- spalpeen,
- stage performer,
- stage player,
- stooge,
- straight man,
- straight part,
- stroller,
- strolling player,
- supporting character,
- supporting role,
- theatrical,
- thespian,
- thief,
- title role,
- transgressor,
- trouper,
- utility man,
- viper,
- walk-on,
- walking part,
- worker of ill,
- wretch,
- wrongdoer