Exact Match:
- visionary
- a person with unusual powers of foresight
- a person given to fanciful speculations and enthusiasms with little regard for what is actually possible
- Barmecidal,
- Barmecide,
- Don Quixote,
- Quixote,
- Utopian,
- abstracted,
- addict,
- airy,
- apparent,
- apparitional,
- astral,
- autistic,
- bug,
- chimeric,
- collector,
- daydreamer,
- daydreaming,
- daydreamy,
- deceptive,
- delusional,
- delusionary,
- delusive,
- delusory,
- demon,
- dereistic,
- dreamer,
- dreamer of dreams,
- dreamlike,
- dreamy,
- eager beaver,
- energumen,
- enthusiast,
- erroneous,
- escapist,
- exalted,
- faddist,
- fallacious,
- false,
- fanatic,
- fanciful,
- fantast,
- fantastic,
- fiend,
- freak,
- grandiose,
- great one for,
- hobbyist,
- hound,
- idealist,
- idealistic,
- illusional,
- illusionary,
- illusive,
- illusory,
- imaginary,
- impractical,
- in the clouds,
- infatuate,
- introspective,
- lofty,
- lotus-eater,
- misleading,
- musing,
- noble,
- nut,
- ostensible,
- otherworldly,
- phantasmagoric,
- phantasmal,
- phantom,
- poetic,
- pretentious,
- prophet,
- pursuer,
- quixotic,
- radical,
- rhapsodist,
- romancer,
- romancing,
- romantic,
- romanticist,
- romanticized,
- seeming,
- seer,
- self-deceptive,
- self-deluding,
- specious,
- spectral,
- speculative,
- starry-eyed,
- storybook,
- sucker for,
- supposititious,
- transcendental,
- transmundane,
- unactual,
- unfounded,
- unpractical,
- unreal,
- unrealistic,
- unsubstantial,
- unworkable,
- unworldly,
- utopian,
- utopianist,
- utopianizer,
- wish-fulfilling,
- wishful thinker,
- zealot