Exact Match:
- vital
- manifesting or characteristic of life; "a vital, living organism"; "vital signs"
- performing an essential function in the living body; "vital organs"; "blood and other vital fluids"; "the loss of vital heat in shock"; "a vital spot"; "life-giving love and praise"
- abiding,
- aboveground,
- acid,
- age-long,
- aged,
- agog,
- alacritous,
- alive,
- alive and kicking,
- all agog,
- among the living,
- ancient,
- animate,
- animated,
- animating,
- antic,
- antique,
- anxious,
- armipotent,
- authoritative,
- avid,
- bang,
- basic,
- bedrock,
- biological,
- biotic,
- biting,
- bouncing,
- breathing,
- breathless,
- brisk,
- bursting to,
- called for,
- capable of life,
- capersome,
- cardinal,
- central,
- chronic,
- cogent,
- coltish,
- compulsory,
- conscious,
- constant,
- constitutive,
- continuing,
- corrosive,
- critical,
- crucial,
- cutting,
- desirous,
- diuturnal,
- drive,
- driving,
- durable,
- dynamic,
- eager,
- effective,
- endowed with life,
- enduring,
- energetic,
- enlivened,
- enlivening,
- essential,
- evergreen,
- existent,
- exuberant,
- flush,
- focal,
- forceful,
- forcible,
- forward,
- frisky,
- frolicsome,
- full of beans,
- full of life,
- fundamental,
- gamesome,
- gay,
- getup,
- gutsy,
- hale,
- hale and hearty,
- hardy,
- hearty,
- high-potency,
- high-powered,
- high-pressure,
- high-tension,
- immutable,
- impatient,
- imperative,
- important,
- impressive,
- in force,
- in power,
- in the flesh,
- incisive,
- indicated,
- indispensable,
- inspirited,
- instinct with life,
- integral,
- intransient,
- inveterate,
- invigorating,
- irreducible,
- irreductible,
- irreplaceable,
- irresistible,
- keen,
- key,
- lasting,
- life-and-death,
- life-giving,
- life-or-death,
- live,
- lively,
- living,
- long-lasting,
- long-lived,
- long-standing,
- long-term,
- longeval,
- longevous,
- lusty,
- macrobiotic,
- main,
- mandatory,
- material,
- mighty,
- mighty in battle,
- mordant,
- necessary,
- needed,
- needful,
- nervous,
- of long duration,
- of long standing,
- of vital importance,
- operative,
- organic,
- organized,
- panting,
- paramount,
- penetrating,
- perdurable,
- perduring,
- perennial,
- permanent,
- perpetual,
- persistent,
- persisting,
- physiological,
- piercing,
- pivotal,
- playful,
- poignant,
- potent,
- powerful,
- prepotent,
- prerequisite,
- prompt,
- puissant,
- punchy,
- quick,
- quickening,
- raring to,
- ready,
- ready and willing,
- red-blooded,
- rejuvenating,
- remaining,
- required,
- requisite,
- reviving,
- robust,
- robustious,
- robustuous,
- rollicking,
- rollicksome,
- rompish,
- rude,
- rugged,
- ruling,
- sempervirent,
- sensational,
- sinewed,
- sinewy,
- skittish,
- slashing,
- spirited,
- sportive,
- sprightly,
- stable,
- stalwart,
- staying,
- steadfast,
- stout,
- strenuous,
- striking,
- strong,
- sturdy,
- substantive,
- telling,
- tenacious of life,
- tough,
- trenchant,
- unfading,
- unforgoable,
- valid,
- very much alive,
- viable,
- vigorous,
- vim,
- vitality,
- vitalizing,
- vivacious,
- vivid,
- vivified,
- vivifying,
- wanted,
- zestful,
- zippy,
- zoetic