Exact Match:
- vocal
- full of the sound of voices; "a playground vocal with the shouts and laughter of children"
- having or using the power to produce speech or sound; "vocal organs"; "all vocal beings hymned their praise"
- relating to or designed for or using the singing voice; "vocal technique"; "the vocal repertoire"; "organized a vocal group to sing his compositions"
- alto,
- articulate,
- articulated,
- baritone,
- bass,
- bravura,
- choral,
- choric,
- coloratura,
- dramatic,
- eloquent,
- enunciated,
- expressed,
- expressive,
- falsetto,
- fluent,
- free,
- free-spoken,
- heroic,
- hymnal,
- intonated,
- lingual,
- linguistic,
- liturgical,
- lyric,
- nuncupative,
- operatic,
- oral,
- outspoken,
- parol,
- pronounced,
- psalmic,
- psalmodial,
- psalmodic,
- round,
- sacred,
- said,
- singing,
- smooth-spoken,
- sonant,
- soprano,
- sounded,
- speech,
- spoken,
- stentorian,
- tenor,
- treble,
- unwritten,
- uttered,
- venting,
- verbal,
- viva voce,
- vocalized,
- voiced,
- voiceful,
- voicing,
- vowel,
- vowellike