Exact Match:
- wadi
- gully or streambed in northern Africa and the Middle East that remains dry except during rainy season
- abysm,
- abyss,
- adolescent stream,
- aqueduct,
- arroyo,
- beck,
- bed,
- bottom,
- bottom glade,
- bottoms,
- bourn,
- box canyon,
- braided stream,
- branch,
- breach,
- break,
- brook,
- brooklet,
- burn,
- canal,
- canyon,
- cavity,
- channel,
- chap,
- chasm,
- check,
- chimney,
- chink,
- cleft,
- cleuch,
- clough,
- col,
- coulee,
- couloir,
- crack,
- cranny,
- creek,
- creek bed,
- crevasse,
- crevice,
- crick,
- culvert,
- cut,
- cwm,
- dale,
- defile,
- dell,
- dike,
- dingle,
- ditch,
- donga,
- draw,
- dry bed,
- excavation,
- fault,
- fissure,
- flaw,
- flowing stream,
- flume,
- fluviation,
- fracture,
- fresh,
- freshet,
- furrow,
- gap,
- gape,
- gash,
- gill,
- glen,
- gorge,
- groove,
- grove,
- gulch,
- gulf,
- gully,
- gullyhole,
- headrace,
- hole,
- incision,
- intervale,
- irrigation ditch,
- joint,
- kill,
- kloof,
- lazy stream,
- leak,
- lunar rill,
- meandering stream,
- midchannel,
- midstream,
- millstream,
- moat,
- moving road,
- navigable river,
- notch,
- nullah,
- opening,
- pass,
- passage,
- race,
- racing stream,
- ravine,
- rent,
- rift,
- rime,
- river,
- river bed,
- riverway,
- rivulet,
- run,
- rundle,
- runlet,
- runnel,
- rupture,
- scissure,
- seam,
- sike,
- slit,
- slot,
- sluice,
- spill stream,
- spillbox,
- spillway,
- split,
- strath,
- stream,
- stream action,
- stream bed,
- streamlet,
- streamway,
- subterranean river,
- swash,
- swash channel,
- tailrace,
- trench,
- trough,
- vale,
- valley,
- void,
- water carrier,
- water channel,
- water furrow,
- water gap,
- water gate,
- watercourse,
- waterway,
- waterworks