Exact Match:
- wattle
- framework consisting of stakes interwoven with branches to form a fence
- a fleshy wrinkled and often brightly colored fold of skin hanging from the neck or throat of certain birds (chickens and turkeys) or lizards
- interlace to form wattle
- build of or with wattle
- arabesque,
- basketry,
- basketwork,
- braid,
- cancellation,
- cross-hatching,
- crossing-out,
- enlace,
- entwine,
- filigree,
- fret,
- fretwork,
- grate,
- grating,
- grid,
- gridiron,
- grille,
- grillwork,
- hachure,
- hatching,
- interknit,
- interlace,
- interlacement,
- intertexture,
- intertie,
- intertissue,
- intertwine,
- intertwinement,
- intertwist,
- interweave,
- intort,
- knit,
- lace,
- lacery,
- lacework,
- lacing,
- lattice,
- latticework,
- loom,
- loop,
- mat,
- mesh,
- meshes,
- meshwork,
- net,
- netting,
- network,
- noose,
- plait,
- pleach,
- plexure,
- plexus,
- raddle,
- reticle,
- reticulation,
- reticule,
- reticulum,
- riddle,
- screen,
- screening,
- sieve,
- splice,
- texture,
- tissue,
- tracery,
- trellis,
- trelliswork,
- twill,
- twine,
- twist,
- weave,
- weaving,
- web,
- webbing,
- webwork,
- weft,
- wicker,
- wickerwork,
- wreathe