Exact Match:
- whippersnapper
- someone who is unimportant but cheeky and presumptuous
- JD,
- a nobody,
- a nothing,
- boldface,
- brat,
- brazenface,
- chutzpanik,
- cipher,
- common man,
- dummy,
- elf,
- enfant terrible,
- figurehead,
- gamin,
- holy terror,
- hussy,
- imp,
- insignificancy,
- jackstraw,
- juvenile delinquent,
- lightweight,
- little fellow,
- little guy,
- little monkey,
- malapert,
- man of straw,
- mediocrity,
- minx,
- nebbish,
- nobody,
- nobody one knows,
- nonentity,
- nothing,
- nullity,
- obscurity,
- pip-squeak,
- puck,
- punk,
- punk kid,
- pup,
- puppy,
- runt,
- saucebox,
- scrub,
- shrimp,
- small fry,
- small potato,
- small potatoes,
- smart aleck,
- smart-ass,
- smarty,
- smarty-pants,
- spoiled brat,
- squirt,
- squit,
- swaggerer,
- upstart,
- urchin,
- whiffet,
- wise guy,
- wise-ass,
- zero,
- zilch