Exact Match:
- wipe
- rub with a circular motion; "wipe the blackboard"; "He passed his hands over the soft cloth"
- air-dry,
- anhydrate,
- bake,
- blackout,
- bleach,
- blocking,
- blot,
- bowdlerize,
- brush,
- burn,
- clean,
- clean out,
- clean up,
- cleanse,
- clear out,
- conk,
- cure,
- dehumidify,
- dehydrate,
- delouse,
- dematerialization,
- departure,
- depurate,
- desiccate,
- deterge,
- disappearance,
- disappearing,
- dispersion,
- dissipation,
- dissolution,
- dissolving,
- drain,
- dry,
- dry-clean,
- dust,
- dust off,
- eclipse,
- elimination,
- erasure,
- evanescence,
- evaporate,
- evaporation,
- expurgate,
- exsiccate,
- extinction,
- fadeaway,
- fadeout,
- fading,
- fire,
- freshen,
- going,
- hit,
- insolate,
- kerchief,
- kiln,
- knock,
- lick,
- lustrate,
- melting,
- mummify,
- occultation,
- parch,
- passing,
- purge,
- purify,
- rap,
- reform,
- rub,
- scavenge,
- scorch,
- sear,
- shrivel,
- smoke,
- soak up,
- sponge,
- spruce,
- steam-clean,
- sun,
- sun-dry,
- swab,
- swat,
- sweep out,
- sweeten,
- swipe,
- tidy,
- torrefy,
- towel,
- vanishing,
- vanishing point,
- weazen,
- whiten,
- wipe off,
- wipe out,
- wipe up,
- wither,
- wizen