throughout the entire extent; "got soaked through in the rain"; "I'm frozen through"; "a letter shot through with the writer's personality"; "knew him through and through"; "boards rotten through and through"
over the whole distance; "this bus goes through to New York"
in diameter; "this cylinder measures 15 inches through"
from beginning to end; "read this book through"
to completion; "think this through very carefully!"
old; no longer in use or valid or fashionable; "obsolete words"; "an obsolete locomotive"; "outdated equipment"; "superannuated laws"; "out-of-date ideas"
an object of dread or apprehension; "Germany was always a bugbear for France"; "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds"--Ralph Waldo Emerson
the quality imparted to voiced speech sounds by the action of the resonating chambers of the throat and mouth and nasal cavities
a vibration of large amplitude produced by a relatively small vibration near the same frequency of vibration as the natural frequency of the resonating system
an excited state of a stable particle causing a sharp maximum in the probability of absorption of electromagnetic radiation
one of two forms that coelenterates take e.g. a hydra or coral: usually sedentary and has a hollow cylindrical body usually with a ring of tentacles around the mouth
a small vascular growth on the surface of a mucous membrane