Exact Match:
- Nemesis
- (Greek mythology) the goddess of divine retribution and vengeance
- affliction,
- bane,
- bugbear,
- burden,
- calamity,
- castigation,
- chastening,
- chastisement,
- condign punishment,
- correction,
- crushing burden,
- curse,
- death,
- defensibility,
- deserts,
- destruction,
- disciplinary measures,
- discipline,
- disease,
- drumhead justice,
- dueness,
- equitableness,
- equity,
- evenhandedness,
- evil,
- ferule,
- give-and-take,
- grievance,
- harm,
- infliction,
- judgment,
- judicial punishment,
- justice,
- justifiability,
- justifiableness,
- justification,
- justness,
- lawfulness,
- legality,
- measure for measure,
- meetness,
- open wound,
- pains,
- pains and punishments,
- pay,
- payment,
- penal retribution,
- penalty,
- penology,
- pest,
- pestilence,
- plague,
- poetic justice,
- properness,
- propriety,
- punishment,
- punition,
- retribution,
- retributive justice,
- right,
- rightfulness,
- rightness,
- rude justice,
- running sore,
- scales of justice,
- scourge,
- summary justice,
- thorn,
- torment,
- vexation,
- visitation,
- warrantability,
- warrantedness,
- well-deserved punishment,
- what is right,
- what-for,
- woe