Exact Match:
- addition
- the act of adding one thing to another; "the addition of flowers created a pleasing effect"; "the addition of a leap day every four years"
- a component that is added to something to improve it; "the addition of a bathroom was a major improvement"; "the addition of cinnamon improved the flavor"
- a suburban area laid out in streets and lots for a future residential area
- a quantity that is added; "there was an addition to property taxes this year"; "they recorded the cattle's gain in weight over a period of weeks"
- Anschluss,
- L,
- access,
- accession,
- accessory,
- accident,
- accidental,
- accompaniment,
- accord,
- accretion,
- accrual,
- accruement,
- accumulation,
- acquirement,
- acquisition,
- addenda,
- addendum,
- adding,
- additament,
- additionally,
- additive,
- additory,
- additum,
- adjunct,
- adjuvant,
- advance,
- affairs,
- affiliation,
- affinity,
- agglomeration,
- aggrandizement,
- aggregation,
- agreement,
- alliance,
- also,
- amalgamation,
- ampliation,
- amplification,
- annex,
- annexation,
- appanage,
- appendage,
- appendant,
- appendix,
- appreciation,
- approximation,
- appurtenance,
- appurtenant,
- as well,
- as well as,
- ascent,
- assemblage,
- assimilation,
- association,
- attachment,
- attainment,
- augment,
- augmentation,
- auxiliary,
- ballooning,
- besides,
- beyond,
- blend,
- blending,
- bloating,
- bond,
- boom,
- boost,
- broadening,
- buildup,
- cabal,
- cartel,
- centralization,
- closeness,
- coalescence,
- coalition,
- coda,
- collateral,
- combination,
- combine,
- combining,
- combo,
- coming by,
- complement,
- composition,
- concomitant,
- confederacy,
- confederation,
- congeries,
- conglomeration,
- conjugation,
- conjunction,
- connectedness,
- connection,
- consolidation,
- conspiracy,
- contiguity,
- contingency,
- contingent,
- continuation,
- contrariety,
- corollary,
- crescendo,
- dealings,
- deduction,
- deployment,
- development,
- differentiation,
- disjunction,
- dispersion,
- division,
- dragging down,
- earnings,
- ecumenism,
- edema,
- elevation,
- ell,
- embodiment,
- encompassment,
- enlargement,
- enosis,
- equation,
- evolution,
- expansion,
- extension,
- extra,
- extrapolation,
- fanning out,
- federalization,
- federation,
- filiation,
- fixture,
- flare,
- flood,
- furthermore,
- fusion,
- gain,
- gaining,
- getting,
- getting hold of,
- greatening,
- growth,
- gush,
- happenstance,
- hike,
- hiking,
- homology,
- hookup,
- in addition,
- in addition to,
- incidental,
- inclusion,
- incorporation,
- increase,
- increment,
- inessential,
- inflation,
- integration,
- intercourse,
- interpolation,
- intimacy,
- into the bargain,
- inversion,
- involution,
- joining,
- jump,
- junction,
- junta,
- league,
- leap,
- liaison,
- link,
- linkage,
- linking,
- magnification,
- making,
- marriage,
- meld,
- melding,
- mere chance,
- merger,
- moneygetting,
- moneygrubbing,
- moneymaking,
- moreover,
- mounting,
- multiplication,
- mutual attraction,
- nearness,
- nonessential,
- not-self,
- notation,
- obtainment,
- obtention,
- offshoot,
- other,
- over and above,
- package,
- package deal,
- pendant,
- practice,
- procural,
- procurance,
- procuration,
- procurement,
- productiveness,
- proliferation,
- propinquity,
- proportion,
- proximity,
- putting together,
- raise,
- raising,
- rapport,
- reckoning,
- reduction,
- reinforcement,
- relatedness,
- relation,
- relations,
- relationship,
- rider,
- rise,
- secondary,
- securement,
- side effect,
- side issue,
- similarity,
- snowballing,
- solidification,
- splay,
- spread,
- spreading,
- subsidiary,
- subtraction,
- summation,
- summing-up,
- superaddition,
- supplement,
- surge,
- swelling,
- sympathy,
- syncretism,
- syndication,
- syneresis,
- synthesis,
- tailpiece,
- tie,
- tie-in,
- tie-up,
- to boot,
- too,
- transformation,
- trover,
- tumescence,
- undergirding,
- unessential,
- unification,
- union,
- uniting,
- up,
- upping,
- upsurge,
- upswing,
- uptrend,
- upturn,
- waxing,
- wedding,
- widening,
- wing,
- winning