Exact Match:
- administration
- the act of administering medication
- a method of tending to (especially business) matters
- the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something; "he claims that the present administration is corrupt"; "the governance of an association is responsible to its members"; "he quickly became recognized as a member of the establishment"
- academic dean,
- accomplishment,
- achievement,
- administering,
- administrator,
- application,
- applying,
- archon,
- auspices,
- authority,
- bestowal,
- board,
- board of directors,
- board of regents,
- board of trustees,
- bureaucracy,
- cabinet,
- cadre,
- care,
- chancellor,
- charge,
- chief executive,
- chief executive officer,
- civil government,
- claws,
- clutches,
- command,
- command function,
- commission,
- completion,
- conduct,
- control,
- council,
- cure,
- custodianship,
- custody,
- dean,
- dean of men,
- dean of women,
- decision-making,
- delivery,
- direction,
- directorate,
- directory,
- disbursal,
- disbursement,
- discharge,
- discipline,
- dispatch,
- dispensation,
- dispersion,
- disposal,
- disposition,
- distribution,
- dole,
- doling,
- doling out,
- dominion,
- dosage,
- dosing,
- effectuation,
- empery,
- empire,
- enactment,
- enforcing,
- execution,
- executive,
- executive arm,
- executive committee,
- executive director,
- executive function,
- executive hierarchy,
- executive officer,
- executive secretary,
- forcing,
- forcing on,
- form of government,
- furnishing,
- giving,
- giving out,
- governance,
- governing board,
- governing body,
- government,
- grip,
- guardianship,
- guidance,
- hand,
- handling,
- hands,
- headmaster,
- headmistress,
- hierarchy,
- higher echelons,
- higher-ups,
- implementation,
- infrastructure,
- interlocking directorate,
- iron hand,
- issuance,
- jurisdiction,
- keeping,
- magistrate,
- management,
- managing director,
- master,
- meting out,
- ministry,
- officer,
- official,
- officialdom,
- officiation,
- oversight,
- passing around,
- pastorage,
- pastorate,
- pastorship,
- patronage,
- paying out,
- performance,
- perpetration,
- political organization,
- polity,
- power,
- prefect,
- prelacy,
- prescribing,
- president,
- prexy,
- principal,
- protectorship,
- provision,
- provost,
- raj,
- rector,
- regime,
- regimen,
- regnancy,
- regulation,
- reign,
- rule,
- ruling class,
- ruling classes,
- safe hands,
- secretary,
- sovereignty,
- steering committee,
- stewardship,
- superintendence,
- supervision,
- supplying,
- sway,
- system of government,
- talons,
- the Establishment,
- the administration,
- the authorities,
- the brass,
- the executive,
- the ingroup,
- the interests,
- the people upstairs,
- the power elite,
- the power structure,
- the top,
- them,
- they,
- top brass,
- transaction,
- treasurer,
- tutelage,
- vice-chancellor,
- vice-president,
- ward,
- warden,
- wardenship,
- wardship,
- watch and ward,
- wing