condition of heightened watchfulness or preparation for action; "bombers were put on alert during the crisis"
very attentive or observant; "an alert and responsive baby is a joy"; "caught by a couple of alert cops"; "alert enough to spot the opportunity when it came"; "constantly alert and vigilant, like a sentinel on duty"
(usually followed by `to') showing acute awareness; mentally perceptive; "alert to the problems"; "alive to what is going on"; "awake to the dangers of her situation"; "was now awake to the reality of his predicament"
not unconscious; especially having become conscious; "the patient is now awake and alert"
eellike aquatic North American salamander with small forelimbs and no hind limbs; have permanent external gills
an acoustic device producing a loud often wailing sound as a signal or warning
a warning signal that is a loud wailing sound
a sea nymph (part woman and part bird) supposed to lure sailors to destruction on the rocks where the nymphs lived; "Odysseus ordered his crew to plug their ears so they would not hear the Siren's fatal song"
a period of time (4 or 2 hours) during which some of a ship's crew are on duty
the period during which someone (especially a guard) is on duty
observe with attention; "They watched as the murderer was executed"
observe or determine by looking; "Watch how the dog chases the cats away"
look attentively; "watch a basketball game"
see or watch; "view a show on television"; "This program will be seen all over the world"; "view an exhibition"; "Catch a show on Broadway"; "see a movie"
be vigilant, be on the lookout, be on one's guard, be careful; "Watch out for pickpockets!"
follow with the eyes or the mind; "Keep an eye on the baby, please!"; "The world is watching Sarajevo"; "She followed the men with the binoculars"
notify, usually in advance; "I warned you that I would ask some difficult questions"
ask to go away; "The old man warned the children off his property"
notify of danger, potential harm, or risk; "The director warned him that he might be fired"; "The doctor warned me about the dangers of smoking"
admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior; "I warned him not to go too far"; "I warn you against false assumptions"; "She warned him to be quiet"