Exact Match:
- allowance
- the act of allowing; "He objected to the allowance of smoking in the dining room"
- a permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits
- an amount added or deducted on the basis of qualifying circumstances; "an allowance for profit"
- an amount allowed or granted (as during a given period); "travel allowance"; "my weekly allowance of two eggs"; "a child's allowance should not be too generous"
- a sum granted as reimbursement for expenses
- put on a fixed allowance, as of food
- C ration,
- K ration,
- OK,
- abatement,
- acceptance,
- account,
- acknowledgment,
- adjustment,
- admission,
- agio,
- aid,
- alimony,
- allocation,
- allotment,
- allowing,
- annuity,
- apportionment,
- appreciation,
- appropriation,
- approximation,
- assessment,
- assignment,
- assistance,
- authorization,
- avowal,
- bank discount,
- big end,
- bigger half,
- bill,
- bit,
- bite,
- blackmail,
- blood money,
- board,
- bounty,
- breakage,
- budget,
- bulge,
- cash discount,
- cession,
- chain discount,
- charge-off,
- charter,
- chunk,
- circumscription,
- color,
- commission,
- commons,
- concession,
- confession,
- consent,
- consideration,
- contingent,
- countenance,
- credit,
- cut,
- deadwood,
- deal,
- declaration,
- decontamination,
- deduction,
- depletion allowance,
- depreciation,
- destiny,
- deviation,
- discount,
- dispensation,
- dividend,
- dole,
- drawback,
- edge,
- emergency rations,
- emolument,
- end,
- equal share,
- exception,
- excuses,
- exemption,
- extenuating circumstances,
- extenuation,
- extenuative,
- fate,
- favor,
- fee,
- fellowship,
- field rations,
- financial assistance,
- footing,
- gilding,
- gloss,
- grain of salt,
- grant,
- grant-in-aid,
- guaranteed annual income,
- half,
- halver,
- handicap,
- head start,
- hedge,
- hedging,
- help,
- helping,
- hush money,
- imprecision,
- inaccuracy,
- inaccurateness,
- incorrectness,
- indulgence,
- inexactitude,
- inexactness,
- initiation fee,
- interest,
- kickback,
- laxity,
- leave,
- liberty,
- license,
- limitation,
- looseness,
- lot,
- meals,
- measure,
- meed,
- mental reservation,
- mess,
- mileage,
- mitigation,
- modicum,
- modification,
- moiety,
- negligence,
- odds,
- okay,
- old-age insurance,
- overhand,
- palliation,
- palliative,
- part,
- patent,
- payment,
- pecuniary aid,
- penalty,
- penalty clause,
- pension,
- percentage,
- permission,
- permission to enter,
- permit,
- permitting,
- piece,
- pin money,
- pocket money,
- portion,
- predictable error,
- premium,
- price reduction,
- price support,
- price-cut,
- probable error,
- profession,
- proportion,
- public assistance,
- public welfare,
- qualification,
- quantum,
- quota,
- rake-off,
- ration,
- rations,
- rebate,
- rebatement,
- reckoning,
- recognition,
- recompense,
- reduction,
- refund,
- reimbursement,
- release,
- relief,
- remittance,
- remuneration,
- reservation,
- restriction,
- retainer,
- retaining fee,
- retirement benefits,
- rollback,
- salvage,
- salvo,
- sanction,
- sanctioning,
- scholarship,
- scot,
- segment,
- setoff,
- share,
- short commons,
- slice,
- small share,
- softening,
- special case,
- special permission,
- special treatment,
- specialness,
- specification,
- stake,
- standard deviation,
- start,
- stipend,
- stock,
- subsidization,
- subsidy,
- subvention,
- sufferance,
- suffering,
- support,
- tare,
- tax benefit,
- ticket,
- ticket of admission,
- time discount,
- tolerance,
- tolerating,
- toleration,
- trade discount,
- tret,
- tribute,
- tucker,
- uncorrectness,
- underselling,
- unfactualness,
- unpreciseness,
- unrigorousness,
- vantage,
- varnish,
- vouchsafement,
- waiver,
- welfare,
- welfare aid,
- welfare payments,
- whitewash,
- whitewashing,
- write-off