Exact Match:
- anchor
- a mechanical device that prevents a vessel from moving
- a central cohesive source of support and stability; "faith is his anchor"; "the keystone of campaign reform was the ban on soft money"; "he is the linchpin of this firm"
- a television reporter who coordinates a broadcast to which several correspondents contribute
- secure a vessel with an anchor; "We anchored at Baltimore"
- fix firmly and stably; "anchor the lamppost in concrete"
- Baldt anchor,
- Navy anchor,
- Northill anchor,
- affix,
- anchorage,
- annex,
- attach,
- batten,
- batten down,
- belay,
- berth,
- billet at,
- bind,
- bivouac,
- bower,
- bridle,
- burrow,
- camp,
- cast anchor,
- catch,
- cement,
- chain,
- cinch,
- clamp,
- clinch,
- colonize,
- come to anchor,
- cramp,
- dinghy anchor,
- disembark,
- dock,
- domesticate,
- drag anchor,
- drogue,
- drop anchor,
- drop the hook,
- enchain,
- engraft,
- ensconce,
- entrammel,
- establish residence,
- fasten,
- fasten down,
- fetter,
- fix,
- floating anchor,
- fluke,
- glue,
- graft,
- grapnel,
- grapple,
- gyve,
- hamper,
- handcuff,
- hive,
- hobble,
- hog-tie,
- holdfast,
- hook,
- hopple,
- imbed,
- inhabit,
- kedge,
- kedge anchor,
- kedge off,
- keep house,
- knit,
- lash,
- lash and tie,
- lay anchor,
- leash,
- live at,
- locate,
- mainstay,
- make fast,
- make secure,
- make sure,
- manacle,
- moor,
- mooring,
- mooring buoy,
- moorings,
- move,
- mudhook,
- mushroom anchor,
- nest,
- park,
- peg down,
- people,
- perch,
- picket,
- pin,
- pin down,
- pinion,
- plant,
- populate,
- put in irons,
- put to,
- relocate,
- reside,
- restrain,
- rivet,
- roost,
- rope,
- screw anchor,
- screw up,
- sea anchor,
- secure,
- security,
- set,
- set to,
- set up housekeeping,
- set up shop,
- settle,
- settle down,
- shackle,
- shank,
- sheet anchor,
- sit down,
- slip,
- squat,
- stability,
- stabilizer,
- stand,
- starboard anchor,
- stay at,
- stock,
- straitjacket,
- strap,
- strike root,
- support,
- take residence at,
- take root,
- take up residence,
- tether,
- tie,
- tie down,
- tie up,
- tighten,
- trammel,
- trice up,
- trim