Exact Match:
- bait
- something used to lure victims into danger
- anything that serves as an enticement
- attack with dogs or set dogs upon
- lure, entice, or entrap with bait
- aggravate,
- allure,
- allurement,
- annoy,
- badger,
- bait the hook,
- baited trap,
- be at,
- bedevil,
- beset,
- birdlime,
- bite,
- blandish,
- bola,
- bother,
- bribe,
- bristle,
- brown off,
- bug,
- bullyrag,
- burn up,
- cajole,
- carrot,
- charm,
- chivy,
- coax,
- cobweb,
- come-on,
- decoy,
- decoy duck,
- devil,
- discompose,
- distemper,
- disturb,
- dog,
- dragnet,
- draw,
- draw in,
- draw on,
- drawcard,
- drawing card,
- encouragement,
- endearment,
- ensnare,
- entice,
- enticement,
- entrap,
- exasperate,
- exercise,
- fash,
- fillip,
- fishhook,
- flirt,
- flirt with,
- fly,
- get,
- gill net,
- give the come-on,
- gripe,
- ground bait,
- harass,
- harry,
- haze,
- heckle,
- hector,
- hook,
- hound,
- incentive,
- incitement,
- inducement,
- interest,
- inveigh,
- inveigle,
- inveiglement,
- invitation,
- irk,
- jig,
- lariat,
- lasso,
- lead on,
- lime,
- lure,
- meshes,
- miff,
- molest,
- morsel,
- nag,
- needle,
- net,
- nettle,
- noose,
- nudzh,
- offer bait to,
- payment,
- peeve,
- percentage,
- persecute,
- persuasive,
- pester,
- pick on,
- piece,
- pique,
- plague,
- pluck the beard,
- plug,
- pother,
- pound net,
- profit,
- provocation,
- provoke,
- purse seine,
- push around,
- rag,
- reward,
- ride,
- rile,
- roil,
- rope in,
- ruffle,
- seduce,
- seducement,
- seine,
- snare,
- sniggle,
- spinner,
- springe,
- squid,
- stimulation,
- stimulative,
- stimulus,
- suck in,
- sweetener,
- sweetening,
- tease,
- tempt,
- temptation,
- toils,
- toll,
- torment,
- trap,
- trawl,
- try the patience,
- tweak the nose,
- vex,
- whet,
- wobbler,
- woo,
- worry