Exact Match:
- balance
- a scale for weighing; depends on pull of gravity
- equality between the totals of the credit and debit sides of an account
- the difference between the totals of the credit and debit sides of an account
- equality of distribution
- a state of equilibrium
- compute credits and debits of an account
- bring into balance or equilibrium; "She has to balance work and her domestic duties"; "balance the two weights"
- be in equilibrium; "He was balancing on one foot"
- Swiss bank account,
- accommodate,
- accord,
- account,
- account current,
- account rendered,
- account stated,
- adjust,
- afterglow,
- afterimage,
- agree,
- amount to,
- analogize,
- analogousness,
- aplomb,
- arrangement,
- assess,
- assets,
- assimilate,
- assimilate to,
- assurance,
- atmosphere,
- atone for,
- attune,
- audit,
- authority,
- available means,
- average,
- back down,
- balance the books,
- balanced personality,
- ballast,
- bank account,
- be heavy,
- beauty,
- bilateral symmetry,
- bonus,
- book,
- bottom dollar,
- break even,
- bring into analogy,
- bring into comparison,
- brushwork,
- budget,
- butt,
- butt end,
- cancel,
- candle ends,
- capital,
- capital goods,
- capitalization,
- capitalize,
- carry,
- carry over,
- carry weight,
- cash account,
- cash reserves,
- cast up accounts,
- center,
- chaff,
- charge off,
- check,
- check out,
- checking account,
- close out,
- close the books,
- coequality,
- coextension,
- collectedness,
- color,
- come to,
- come up to,
- command,
- command of money,
- commensurability,
- common sense,
- communion,
- community,
- comparability,
- comparableness,
- comparativeness,
- compare,
- compare and contrast,
- compare with,
- compensate,
- compensate for,
- composition,
- composure,
- concinnity,
- confidence,
- conformity,
- confront,
- congruity,
- consider,
- consideration,
- consistency,
- constancy,
- contact with reality,
- contrast,
- control,
- control account,
- cool,
- cool head,
- coolheadedness,
- coolness,
- coolth,
- coordinate,
- corelation,
- correlation,
- correlativism,
- correlativity,
- correspond,
- correspondence,
- counteract,
- counterbalance,
- counterpoise,
- counterpose,
- countervail,
- counterweigh,
- counterweight,
- credit,
- damp,
- debate,
- debit,
- debris,
- deficit,
- deliberate,
- demonstrate,
- demur,
- design,
- detritus,
- difference,
- discrepancy,
- ditto,
- dividend,
- docket,
- double-check,
- draftsmanship,
- draw,
- draw a comparison,
- draw a parallel,
- due sense of,
- dynamic symmetry,
- end,
- enter,
- epact,
- equability,
- equal,
- equality,
- equalize,
- equanimity,
- equate,
- equation,
- equilibrium,
- equilibrize,
- equipoise,
- equipollence,
- equiponderance,
- equiponderate,
- equity,
- equivalence,
- equivalency,
- equivalent,
- estimate,
- euphony,
- eurythmics,
- eurythmy,
- evaluate,
- even,
- even off,
- even out,
- even up,
- evenness,
- excess,
- exchequer,
- extra,
- fag end,
- falter,
- fastness,
- fear,
- filings,
- finances,
- finish,
- firm,
- firm up,
- firmness,
- fit,
- flatten,
- footing,
- fossil,
- freeze,
- fund,
- funds,
- generality,
- give-and-take,
- golden mean,
- good sense,
- gratuity,
- grist,
- grouping,
- hang back,
- happy medium,
- harmonize,
- harmony,
- have weight,
- healthy mind,
- heel,
- heft,
- hem and haw,
- hesitate,
- hold,
- hold the scales,
- holdings,
- holdover,
- homeostasis,
- homogenize,
- horse sense,
- hover,
- hum and haw,
- husks,
- identity,
- immobilize,
- imperturbability,
- income account,
- integrate,
- invariability,
- inventory,
- inverse proportion,
- inverse ratio,
- inverse relationship,
- jib,
- journalize,
- juste-milieu,
- justice,
- keep,
- keep books,
- keep pace with,
- keeping,
- kitty,
- knot,
- lagniappe,
- leavings,
- leftover,
- leftovers,
- level,
- level head,
- levelheadedness,
- levelness,
- lie heavy,
- life savings,
- liken,
- liken to,
- likeness,
- line,
- liquid assets,
- log,
- lucid interval,
- lucidity,
- make an entry,
- make uniform,
- make up,
- make up for,
- makeweight,
- margin,
- match,
- match up with,
- mean,
- means,
- measure,
- measure against,
- measure up to,
- measuredness,
- median,
- mediocrity,
- medium,
- mental balance,
- mental equilibrium,
- mental health,
- mental hygiene,
- mental poise,
- metaphorize,
- middle,
- middle course,
- middle ground,
- middle point,
- middle position,
- middle state,
- middle-of-the-road,
- midpoint,
- minute,
- moneys,
- multilateral symmetry,
- mutuality,
- nail down,
- nerve,
- nest egg,
- net,
- norm,
- normal,
- normalcy,
- normality,
- normalize,
- normalness,
- note,
- odds and ends,
- offscourings,
- offset,
- oppose,
- order,
- orderedness,
- orts,
- outweigh,
- overage,
- overhaul,
- overmeasure,
- overplus,
- overrun,
- overset,
- overstock,
- oversupply,
- painterliness,
- par,
- parallel,
- parallelism,
- parings,
- parity,
- pause,
- pecuniary resources,
- perspective,
- pin down,
- place against,
- plain sense,
- plus,
- pocket,
- poise,
- polarity,
- ponder,
- pool,
- possession,
- post,
- post up,
- pourboire,
- practical mind,
- practical wisdom,
- practicality,
- preponderance,
- presence of mind,
- property,
- proportion,
- proportionability,
- proportionality,
- proportionate,
- prove,
- provision account,
- pull back,
- purse,
- quid pro quo,
- rags,
- ratio,
- rationality,
- reach,
- reason,
- reasonableness,
- reciprocality,
- reciprocation,
- reciprocity,
- reckoning,
- redeem,
- refuse,
- regularity,
- regularize,
- regulate,
- relate,
- relativity,
- reliability,
- relics,
- remainder,
- remains,
- remnant,
- repose,
- reserves,
- residual,
- residue,
- residuum,
- resource,
- resources,
- rest,
- restraint,
- retain,
- retreat,
- revenue account,
- rhythm,
- right mind,
- rival,
- roach,
- rootedness,
- rubbish,
- ruins,
- rule,
- rump,
- run,
- run a comparison,
- run abreast,
- run to,
- running account,
- sales account,
- sameness,
- sanemindedness,
- saneness,
- sang-froid,
- sangfroid,
- sanity,
- savings,
- savings account,
- sawdust,
- scales,
- score,
- scourings,
- scraps,
- scruple,
- secureness,
- security,
- self-assurance,
- self-command,
- self-confidence,
- self-control,
- self-possession,
- self-restraint,
- selling account,
- sense,
- senses,
- sensibleness,
- set in contrast,
- set in opposition,
- set off,
- set off against,
- set over against,
- setoff,
- shading,
- shadow,
- shapeliness,
- shavings,
- shilly-shally,
- shy,
- similarity,
- similize,
- smooth,
- sober senses,
- sober-mindedness,
- soberness,
- sobriety,
- solidity,
- something extra,
- something of value,
- sound mind,
- soundness,
- soundness of mind,
- spare,
- square,
- square up,
- stabilitate,
- stability,
- stabilize,
- stable state,
- stack up with,
- stagnancy,
- stagnation,
- standardize,
- stasis,
- steadfastness,
- steadiness,
- steady,
- steady nerves,
- steady state,
- stereotype,
- stick,
- stick at,
- stickle,
- stock account,
- stop to consider,
- straddle the fence,
- strain at,
- straw,
- strike a balance,
- stubble,
- stump,
- substance,
- substantiality,
- supply,
- surplus,
- surplusage,
- survival,
- suspense account,
- sweepings,
- sweetness,
- symmetricalness,
- symmetrize,
- symmetry,
- take stock,
- tally,
- technique,
- think twice about,
- tie,
- tip,
- tip the scales,
- tit for tat,
- tone,
- touch,
- trace,
- transfix,
- treasure,
- treatment,
- trilateral symmetry,
- tune,
- undeflectability,
- uniformity,
- uniformize,
- unregistered bank account,
- unshakable nerves,
- unshakableness,
- valuation account,
- values,
- verify,
- vestige,
- via media,
- view together,
- waste,
- weigh,
- weigh against,
- weigh heavy,
- weigh in,
- weigh out,
- weight,
- well-regulated mind,
- wherewithal,
- wholesomeness,
- withdraw,
- yield