Exact Match:
- bargain
- an agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion) fixing obligations of each; "he made a bargain with the devil"; "he rose to prominence through a series of shady deals"
- an advantageous purchase; "she got a bargain at the auction"; "the stock was a real buy at that price"
- come to terms; arrive at an agreement
- abatement of differences,
- accommodation,
- accord,
- act between,
- adjustment,
- advantageous purchase,
- advise with,
- agree,
- agree to,
- agreement,
- allow for,
- anticipate,
- arbitrate,
- arrange,
- arrangement,
- bargain for,
- barter,
- beat down,
- bid,
- bid for,
- binding agreement,
- blind bargain,
- bond,
- buy,
- call in,
- cartel,
- chaffer,
- cheapen,
- collective agreement,
- collogue,
- compact,
- compare notes,
- composition,
- compromise,
- concession,
- confer,
- confer with,
- consortium,
- consult,
- consult with,
- contract,
- convention,
- cop-out,
- counsel,
- count on,
- covenant,
- covenant of salt,
- deal,
- deliberate,
- desertion of principle,
- dicker,
- discuss,
- discuss with,
- do a deal,
- drive a bargain,
- employment contract,
- engage,
- evasion of responsibility,
- exchange,
- exchange observations,
- exchange views,
- expect,
- foresee,
- formal agreement,
- give-and-take,
- giveaway,
- giving way,
- go between,
- good buy,
- good deal,
- good pennyworth,
- haggle,
- hard bargain,
- have conversations,
- higgle,
- hold conference,
- horse trade,
- huckster,
- intercede,
- intermediate,
- interpose,
- intervene,
- ironclad agreement,
- jew down,
- judge,
- legal agreement,
- legal contract,
- make a deal,
- make terms,
- mediate,
- meet halfway,
- moderate,
- mutual agreement,
- mutual concession,
- negotiate,
- outbid,
- pact,
- paction,
- palaver,
- palter,
- parley,
- pennyworth,
- powwow,
- promise,
- protocol,
- put heads together,
- reason with,
- refer to,
- referee,
- represent,
- settlement,
- sit down together,
- sit down with,
- steal,
- step in,
- stipulate,
- stipulation,
- surrender,
- swap,
- take counsel,
- take into account,
- take up with,
- talk over,
- trade,
- trade-in,
- traffic,
- transaction,
- treat with,
- truck,
- umpire,
- underbid,
- understanding,
- undertake,
- union contract,
- valid contract,
- wage contract,
- yielding