Exact Match:
- battle
- a hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war; "Grant won a decisive victory in the battle of Chickamauga"; "he lost his romantic ideas about war when he got into a real engagement"
- battle or contend against in or as if in a battle; "The Kurds are combating Iraqi troops in Northern Iraq"; "We must combat the prejudices against other races"; "they battled over the budget"
- Actium,
- Adrianople,
- Aegates Isles,
- Aegospotami,
- Agincourt,
- Antietam,
- Anzio,
- Arbela-Gaugamela,
- Ardennes,
- Austerlitz,
- Ayacucho,
- Balaclava,
- Bannockburn,
- Bataan-Corregidor,
- Bismarck Sea,
- Blenheim,
- Bosworth Field,
- Bouvines,
- Boyne,
- Brunanburh,
- Bunker Hill,
- Cannae,
- Caporetto,
- Chancellorsville,
- Crecy,
- Dunkirk,
- El Alamein,
- Flodden,
- Fontenoy,
- Fredericksburg,
- Gaza,
- Gettysburg,
- Granicus River,
- Guadalcanal,
- Hampton Roads,
- Hastings,
- Hohenlinden,
- Inchon,
- Long Island,
- Marathon,
- Midway,
- Poitiers,
- Sedan,
- Singapore,
- Solferino,
- Waterloo,
- action,
- aerial combat,
- affray,
- agonize,
- all-out war,
- altercation,
- antagonize,
- appeal to arms,
- argument,
- arm,
- armed combat,
- armed conflict,
- armor,
- armor-plate,
- armored combat,
- assail,
- assault,
- attack,
- bank,
- barricade,
- battle royal,
- beat against,
- beat up against,
- belligerence,
- belligerency,
- blockade,
- bloodshed,
- bombard,
- box,
- brawl,
- breast the wave,
- broil,
- brush,
- buck,
- buffet,
- buffet the waves,
- bullfight,
- bulwark,
- campaign,
- carry on hostilities,
- castellate,
- clash,
- clash of arms,
- close,
- close with,
- cockfight,
- collide,
- combat,
- come to blows,
- compete with,
- competition,
- conflict,
- contend,
- contend against,
- contest,
- crenellate,
- crusade,
- cut and thrust,
- dig in,
- dispute,
- dogfight,
- duel,
- embattle,
- embroilment,
- encounter,
- engage in hostilities,
- engagement,
- entrench,
- exchange blows,
- exchange of blows,
- fence,
- feud,
- fight,
- fight a duel,
- fight against,
- fighting,
- fire fight,
- fortify,
- fracas,
- fray,
- garrison,
- give and take,
- give satisfaction,
- grapple,
- grapple with,
- ground combat,
- grunt and sweat,
- hand-to-hand combat,
- hand-to-hand fight,
- hassle,
- hostilities,
- hot war,
- house-to-house combat,
- huff and puff,
- join battle with,
- jostle,
- joust,
- la guerre,
- labor against,
- make war,
- man,
- man the garrison,
- melee,
- might of arms,
- military operations,
- militate against,
- mine,
- mix it up,
- naval combat,
- offer resistance,
- onset,
- onslaught,
- open hostilities,
- open war,
- oppugn,
- palisade,
- passage of arms,
- pitched battle,
- quarrel,
- rassle,
- reluct,
- reluctate,
- resort to arms,
- riot,
- rival,
- rumble,
- run a tilt,
- running fight,
- scramble,
- scrimmage,
- scuffle,
- shed blood,
- shooting war,
- shoving match,
- skirmish,
- sortie,
- spar,
- spill blood,
- stand-up fight,
- state of war,
- stem the tide,
- street fight,
- strive,
- strive against,
- struggle,
- struggle against,
- take on,
- tauromachy,
- the sword,
- thrust and parry,
- tilt,
- total war,
- tourney,
- tug,
- tug-of-war,
- tussle,
- vie with,
- wage war,
- wall,
- war,
- warfare,
- warmaking,
- warring,
- wartime,
- wrestle