Exact Match:
- blacklist
- a list of people who are out of favor
- put on a blacklist so as to banish or cause to be boycotted; "many books were blacklisted by the Nazis"
- anathematize,
- attaint,
- ban,
- banish,
- banishment,
- blackball,
- boycott,
- boycottage,
- bring home to,
- censure,
- condemn,
- convict,
- damn,
- denounce,
- denunciate,
- disfellowship,
- doom,
- excommunicate,
- find guilty,
- ostracism,
- ostracization,
- ostracize,
- outlaw,
- pass sentence on,
- penalize,
- pronounce judgment,
- pronounce sentence,
- proscribe,
- proscription,
- sentence