Exact Match:
- blanch
- cook (vegetables) briefly; "Parboil the beans before freezing them"
- ache,
- achromatize,
- agonize,
- ail,
- anguish,
- bake,
- barbecue,
- baste,
- besnow,
- bleach,
- bleach out,
- blench,
- blush,
- boil,
- braise,
- brew,
- broil,
- brown,
- chalk,
- change color,
- coddle,
- color,
- cook,
- crimson,
- curry,
- darken,
- decolor,
- decolorize,
- devil,
- dim,
- discolor,
- do,
- do to perfection,
- drain,
- drain of color,
- dull,
- etiolate,
- fade,
- fade out,
- feel pain,
- feel the pangs,
- fire,
- flinch,
- flush,
- fricassee,
- frizz,
- frizzle,
- frost,
- fry,
- fume,
- glow,
- griddle,
- grill,
- grimace,
- grizzle,
- grow pale,
- have a misery,
- heat,
- hurt,
- look black,
- lose color,
- mantle,
- oven-bake,
- pale,
- pan,
- pan-broil,
- parboil,
- peroxide,
- poach,
- pound,
- prepare,
- prepare food,
- quail,
- redden,
- roast,
- saute,
- scallop,
- sear,
- shirr,
- shoot,
- shrink,
- silver,
- simmer,
- smart,
- squinch,
- start,
- steam,
- stew,
- stir-fry,
- suffer,
- tarnish,
- thrill,
- throb,
- tone down,
- turn color,
- turn pale,
- turn red,
- turn white,
- twinge,
- twitch,
- wan,
- wash out,
- white,
- whiten,
- wince,
- writhe