Exact Match:
- blow up
- make large; "blow up an image"
- accelerate,
- add to,
- adulate,
- aggrandize,
- aggravate,
- amplify,
- annoy,
- apotheosize,
- arouse,
- augment,
- awake,
- awaken,
- backfire,
- be angry,
- be excitable,
- beef up,
- belaud,
- belie,
- bellow,
- bepraise,
- blast,
- bless,
- blitz,
- bloat,
- blow,
- blow a fuse,
- blow a gasket,
- blow a hurricane,
- blow great guns,
- blow out,
- blow over,
- blow sky-high,
- blow the coals,
- blow to pieces,
- blow up,
- blueprint,
- bluster,
- boast of,
- boil,
- boil over,
- bomb,
- bombard,
- brag about,
- brain,
- breeze,
- breeze up,
- brew,
- bring down,
- bristle,
- broaden,
- build,
- build up,
- bulk,
- bulk out,
- burn,
- burn to death,
- burst,
- bust,
- call forth,
- call up,
- catch fire,
- catch the infection,
- celebrate,
- come apart,
- come to nothing,
- come up,
- complicate,
- concentrate,
- condense,
- consolidate,
- crescendo,
- cry up,
- cut down,
- cut to pieces,
- deal a deathblow,
- deepen,
- deflate,
- deify,
- detonate,
- develop,
- dilate,
- discharge,
- disconfirm,
- discredit,
- disintegrate,
- disprove,
- distend,
- double,
- drop,
- emblazon,
- enhance,
- enkindle,
- enlarge,
- enrage,
- eulogize,
- exacerbate,
- exaggerate,
- exalt,
- excite,
- excite easily,
- expand,
- explode,
- expose,
- extend,
- extol,
- fail miserably,
- fan,
- fan the fire,
- fan the flame,
- feed the fire,
- fell,
- fire,
- fire up,
- fizz out,
- fizzle,
- fizzle out,
- flame,
- flame up,
- flare up,
- flash up,
- flatter,
- flip,
- fly out,
- foment,
- frag,
- frenzy,
- freshen,
- fulminate,
- fume,
- gather,
- get excited,
- get nowhere,
- give the quietus,
- glorify,
- go into hysterics,
- go off,
- go phut,
- gun down,
- hang up,
- have a tantrum,
- heat,
- heat up,
- heighten,
- hero-worship,
- hike,
- hike up,
- hit the ceiling,
- hop up,
- hot up,
- huff,
- idolize,
- impassion,
- incense,
- incinerate,
- incite,
- increase,
- inflame,
- inflate,
- infuriate,
- intensify,
- invalidate,
- jazz up,
- jugulate,
- key up,
- kindle,
- lapidate,
- lather up,
- laud,
- lay low,
- let off,
- light the fuse,
- light up,
- lionize,
- madden,
- magnify,
- make complex,
- make much of,
- mine,
- misfire,
- move,
- mushroom,
- negate,
- negative,
- overexcite,
- overpraise,
- panegyrize,
- pay tribute,
- pipe up,
- pistol,
- poleax,
- poop out,
- porter aux nues,
- praise,
- print,
- process,
- prove the contrary,
- puff,
- puff up,
- pump,
- pump up,
- puncture,
- rage,
- raise,
- ramify,
- ramp,
- rant,
- rant and rave,
- rarefy,
- rave,
- redouble,
- reinforce,
- riddle,
- rouse,
- run a temperature,
- salute,
- seethe,
- set astir,
- set fire to,
- set in,
- set off,
- set on fire,
- sharpen,
- shoot,
- shoot down,
- shoot to death,
- shotgun,
- show up,
- silence,
- smolder,
- soup up,
- spring,
- squall,
- stab to death,
- steam up,
- step up,
- stir,
- stir the blood,
- stir the embers,
- stir the feelings,
- stir up,
- stone,
- stone to death,
- storm,
- strengthen,
- stretch,
- strike dead,
- sufflate,
- summon up,
- swell,
- take fire,
- touch off,
- triple,
- trumpet,
- turn a hair,
- turn on,
- undercut,
- up,
- vaporize,
- waft,
- wake,
- wake up,
- waken,
- warm,
- warm the blood,
- whet,
- whiff,
- whiffle,
- whip up,
- widen,
- work into,
- work up