Exact Match:
- bovine
- any of various members of the genus Bos
- dull and slow-moving and stolid; like an ox; "showed a bovine apathy"
- of or relating to or belonging to the genus Bos (cattle)
- Boeotian,
- Brahman,
- Indian buffalo,
- asinine,
- aurochs,
- beef,
- beef cattle,
- beef-brained,
- beef-witted,
- beeves,
- bison,
- blockish,
- bossy,
- bovid,
- bovine animal,
- buffalo,
- bull,
- bullock,
- calf,
- caprid,
- caprine,
- carabao,
- cattle,
- chumpish,
- cloddish,
- complacent,
- cow,
- cowish,
- cowlike,
- crass,
- critter,
- dairy cattle,
- dairy cow,
- deerlike,
- dense,
- dispassionate,
- dogie,
- doltish,
- dull,
- dullard,
- dumb,
- duncical,
- duncish,
- equestrian,
- equine,
- even-tempered,
- fat,
- goatish,
- goatlike,
- gross,
- heifer,
- hircine,
- hoggish,
- hoofed,
- hornless cow,
- horsy,
- impassive,
- imperturbable,
- ineducable,
- inexcitable,
- inirritable,
- kine,
- klutzy,
- leppy,
- lumpish,
- maverick,
- milch cow,
- milcher,
- milk cow,
- milker,
- muley cow,
- muley head,
- mulish,
- musk-ox,
- neat,
- oafish,
- opaque,
- ovine,
- ox,
- oxen,
- patient,
- piggish,
- ruminant,
- self-complacent,
- self-content,
- self-contented,
- self-satisfied,
- sheepish,
- sheeplike,
- smug,
- sottish,
- steady,
- steer,
- stirk,
- stoic,
- stolid,
- stot,
- stupid,
- swinish,
- thick,
- undisturbable,
- unflappable,
- ungulate,
- unirritable,
- unnervous,
- unpassionate,
- unteachable,
- wisent,
- wrongheaded,
- yak,
- yearling,
- zebu