Exact Match:
- brake
- a restraint used to slow or stop a vehicle
- an area thickly overgrown usually with one kind of plant
- any of various ferns of the genus Pteris having pinnately compound leaves and including several popular houseplants
- cause to stop by applying the brakes; "brake the car before you go into a curve"
- stop travelling by applying a brake; "We had to brake suddenly when a chicken crossed the road"
- arrest,
- backpedal,
- backwater,
- bar,
- bearing rein,
- bit,
- block,
- boscage,
- bosket,
- bring to,
- bring up short,
- canebrake,
- ceja,
- chain,
- chamisal,
- chaparral,
- check,
- checkmate,
- checkrein,
- chock,
- clip the wings,
- clog,
- constraint,
- control,
- coppice,
- copse,
- copsewood,
- countercheck,
- covert,
- curb,
- curb bit,
- cut short,
- dam,
- damper,
- deadlock,
- decelerate,
- delay,
- detain,
- doorstop,
- drag,
- drag sail,
- draw rein,
- drift anchor,
- drift sail,
- drogue,
- ease off,
- ease up,
- fetter,
- freeze,
- frith,
- halt,
- hold back,
- hold in check,
- hold up,
- holdback,
- impede,
- keep back,
- let down,
- let up,
- lose ground,
- lose momentum,
- lose speed,
- martingale,
- moderate,
- motte,
- obstruct,
- pelham,
- pull up,
- put paid to,
- reef,
- rein,
- rein in,
- relax,
- remora,
- restraint,
- restriction,
- retard,
- scotch,
- sea anchor,
- set back,
- shackle,
- slack off,
- slack up,
- slacken,
- slow,
- slow down,
- slow up,
- snaffle,
- spoke,
- stalemate,
- stall,
- stay,
- stem,
- stem the tide,
- stop,
- stop cold,
- stop dead,
- stop short,
- stymie,
- take in sail,
- thicket,
- thickset,
- throttle down,
- trammel