Exact Match:
- bunion
- a painful swelling of the bursa of the first joint of the big toe
- abscess,
- adenoiditis,
- adrenitis,
- aposteme,
- appendicitis,
- arteritis,
- arthritis deformans,
- arthritis fungosa,
- arthritis pauperum,
- atrophic arthritis,
- atrophic inflammation,
- bed sore,
- blain,
- bleb,
- blennorrhagic arthritis,
- blister,
- boil,
- brain fever,
- bronchitis,
- bubo,
- bulla,
- bump,
- bursitis,
- canker,
- canker sore,
- capillaritis,
- carbuncle,
- carditis,
- catarrh,
- catarrhal inflammation,
- cerebellitis,
- cerebral meningitis,
- cerebritis,
- cerebrospinal meningitis,
- chancre,
- chancroid,
- chilblain,
- chronic infectious arthritis,
- chronic inflammation,
- cirrhotic inflammation,
- climactic arthritis,
- clitoritis,
- cold sore,
- colitis,
- collagen disease,
- conjunctivitis,
- corn,
- cyst,
- cystitis,
- degenerative arthritis,
- diffuse inflammation,
- dilatation,
- dilation,
- distension,
- edema,
- encephalitis,
- endocarditis,
- enteritis,
- equine encephalomyelitis,
- eschar,
- exudative inflammation,
- felon,
- fester,
- festering,
- fever blister,
- fibroid inflammation,
- fistula,
- focal inflammation,
- furuncle,
- furunculus,
- gastritis,
- gathering,
- gingivitis,
- glossitis,
- gonococcal arthritis,
- gonorrheal arthritis,
- gonorrheal rheumatism,
- gout,
- gouty arthritis,
- gumboil,
- hemophilic arthritis,
- hemorrhoids,
- hepatitis,
- hyperplastic inflammation,
- hypertrophic arthritis,
- hypertrophic inflammation,
- infectional arthritis,
- infectious hepatitis,
- inflammation,
- intumescence,
- irritable bowel syndrome,
- kibe,
- laryngitis,
- lesion,
- lumbago,
- lumbar rheumatism,
- lump,
- mastoiditis,
- meningitis,
- menopausal arthritis,
- metastatic inflammation,
- metritis,
- milk leg,
- mucous colitis,
- mumps meningitis,
- myelitis,
- necrotic inflammation,
- nephritis,
- neuritis,
- obliterative inflammation,
- ophthalitis,
- ophthalmia,
- orchitis,
- osseous rheumatism,
- osteitis,
- osteoarthritis,
- osteomyelitis,
- otitis,
- ovaritis,
- papula,
- papule,
- paradental pyorrhea,
- paronychia,
- parulis,
- penitis,
- pericarditis,
- periodontitis,
- peritonitis,
- petechia,
- pharyngitis,
- phlebitis,
- piles,
- pimple,
- pock,
- podagra,
- polyp,
- proliferative arthritis,
- prostatitis,
- pustule,
- pyonephritis,
- pyorrhea,
- pyorrhea alveolaris,
- reactive inflammation,
- rheumatism,
- rheumatiz,
- rheumatoid arthritis,
- rhinitis,
- rising,
- scab,
- sclerosing inflammation,
- sebaceous cyst,
- seroplastic inflammation,
- serous inflammation,
- serum hepatitis,
- simple inflammation,
- sinusitis,
- soft chancre,
- sore,
- spastic colon,
- specific inflammation,
- stigma,
- sty,
- subacute rheumatism,
- suppuration,
- suppurative arthritis,
- suppurative inflammation,
- swell,
- swelling,
- swollenness,
- syphilitic arthritis,
- tennis elbow,
- testitis,
- thrombophlebitis,
- tonsilitis,
- torticollis,
- toxic inflammation,
- traumatic inflammation,
- tubercle,
- tuberculous arthritis,
- tuberculous rheumatism,
- tumefaction,
- tumescence,
- tumidity,
- tumor,
- turgescence,
- turgescency,
- turgidity,
- ulcer,
- ulceration,
- ulcerative colitis,
- uratic arthritis,
- ureteritis,
- urethral arthritis,
- urethritis,
- uteritis,
- vaginitis,
- vertebral arthritis,
- visceral rheumatism,
- vulvitis,
- wale,
- welt,
- wen,
- wheal,
- whelk,
- whitlow,
- wound,
- wryneck