Exact Match:
- burning
- the act of burning something; "the burning of leaves was prohibited by a town ordinance"
- a form of torture in which cigarettes or cigars or other hot implements are used to burn the victim's skin
- execution by fire
- consuming fuel; used in combination; "coal-burning (or wood-burning) stoves"
- producing or having a painfully hot sensation; "begged for water to soothe his burning throat"
- abandoned,
- ablaze,
- acerb,
- acerbate,
- acerbic,
- acid,
- acidic,
- acidulent,
- acidulous,
- acrimonious,
- afire,
- aflame,
- aflicker,
- aglow,
- algetic,
- alight,
- angry,
- animal heat,
- approaching,
- approximate,
- approximating,
- ardent,
- arm-in-arm,
- baking,
- beaming,
- beamy,
- beheading,
- bitter,
- blazing,
- blistering,
- blood heat,
- blushing,
- body heat,
- boiling,
- boiling over,
- branding,
- breathless,
- bright,
- bright and sunny,
- bright-hued,
- brilliant,
- brisk,
- broiling,
- burn,
- burning hot,
- burning pain,
- burning with excitement,
- calcination,
- calefacient,
- calefactive,
- calefactory,
- calidity,
- caloric,
- candent,
- candescent,
- canicular,
- capital punishment,
- carbonization,
- caustic,
- cauterant,
- cauterization,
- cautery,
- chafed,
- chafing,
- cheek-by-jowl,
- choleric,
- cineration,
- clamant,
- clamorous,
- close,
- coal heat,
- colorful,
- colory,
- comburent,
- combustion,
- committed,
- concremation,
- conflagrant,
- convected heat,
- cordial,
- cracking,
- cremation,
- crucifixion,
- crying,
- cupellation,
- curried,
- decapitation,
- decollation,
- dedicated,
- deep-colored,
- defenestration,
- deflagration,
- delirious,
- destructive distillation,
- devoted,
- devout,
- dire,
- distillation,
- distilling,
- drunk,
- earnest,
- ebullient,
- electric heat,
- electrocution,
- embittered,
- emphatic,
- enthusiastic,
- estral,
- estrous,
- estrual,
- excited,
- exciting,
- execution,
- exigent,
- exotic,
- exuberant,
- faithful,
- febrile,
- fervent,
- fervid,
- festering,
- fever,
- fever heat,
- fevered,
- feverish,
- feverous,
- fiery,
- fire,
- flagrant,
- flaming,
- flaring,
- flashing,
- flashy,
- flickering,
- flushed,
- flushing,
- fulgurant,
- fulgurating,
- fuming,
- funeral pile,
- fusillade,
- galled,
- garrote,
- gas heat,
- gassing,
- gay,
- gay-colored,
- gleaming,
- gleamy,
- glinting,
- glowing,
- gorgeous,
- grilling,
- guttering,
- hand-in-hand,
- hanging,
- hearty,
- heat,
- heated,
- heatedness,
- heating,
- hectic,
- hemlock,
- het up,
- high-colored,
- high-seasoned,
- hot,
- hot as fire,
- hot as hell,
- hot as pepper,
- hot-air heat,
- hot-blooded,
- hotness,
- hyperpyretic,
- hyperthermic,
- hypothermia,
- ignescent,
- ignited,
- illuminant,
- impassioned,
- imperative,
- importunate,
- in a blaze,
- in a fever,
- in a glow,
- in earnest,
- in flames,
- in heat,
- in must,
- in rut,
- incalescence,
- incandescent,
- incineration,
- induction heat,
- inflamed,
- instant,
- intense,
- intent,
- intent on,
- intimate,
- intoxicated,
- irradiative,
- irritated,
- judicial murder,
- keen,
- kindled,
- lamping,
- lapidation,
- light as day,
- lighted,
- like a furnace,
- like an oven,
- live,
- lively,
- living,
- loyal,
- luciferous,
- lucific,
- luciform,
- luminant,
- luminative,
- luminiferous,
- luminificent,
- luminous,
- lustrous,
- meteoric,
- molecular heat,
- must,
- musty,
- near,
- near the mark,
- nearing,
- nearish,
- necktie party,
- nigh,
- nighish,
- nippy,
- oil heat,
- on fire,
- orient,
- overheated,
- overwarm,
- oxidation,
- oxidization,
- parching,
- passionate,
- peppery,
- perfervid,
- piping hot,
- poisoning,
- propinque,
- provoking,
- proximal,
- proximate,
- pyre,
- pyretic,
- pyrolysis,
- racy,
- radiant,
- radiant heat,
- raging,
- rancorous,
- rankled,
- rankling,
- raw,
- red,
- red-hot,
- reduction to ashes,
- reeking,
- refining,
- resentful,
- resenting,
- resolute,
- rich,
- rich-colored,
- roasting,
- rutilant,
- rutilous,
- rutting,
- ruttish,
- rutty,
- scalding,
- scintillant,
- scintillating,
- scorching,
- scorification,
- searing,
- seasoned,
- seething,
- self-immolation,
- sensitive,
- serious,
- sexually excited,
- shining,
- shiny,
- shooting,
- side-by-side,
- simmering,
- sincere,
- singeing,
- sizzling,
- sizzling hot,
- smart,
- smarting,
- smelting,
- smoking,
- smoking hot,
- smoldering,
- snappy,
- solar heat,
- sore,
- sparking,
- spiced,
- spicy,
- spirited,
- splenetic,
- starbright,
- starlike,
- starry,
- steam heat,
- steaming,
- steamy,
- stewing,
- stimulating,
- sting,
- stinging,
- stirring,
- stoning,
- strangling,
- strangulation,
- streaming,
- sudorific,
- suffused,
- sunny,
- sunshiny,
- superheat,
- superheatedness,
- suttee,
- sweating,
- sweaty,
- sweltering,
- sweltry,
- tangy,
- tender,
- the ax,
- the block,
- the chair,
- the gallows,
- the gas chamber,
- the guillotine,
- the hot seat,
- the rope,
- the stake,
- thermal radiation,
- thermogenesis,
- tingle,
- tingling,
- toasting,
- torrid,
- ultraviolet heat,
- unextinguished,
- unquenched,
- unrestrained,
- urgent,
- urtication,
- vehement,
- vesication,
- vicinal,
- vigorous,
- violent,
- virulent,
- vivid,
- warm,
- warming,
- warmness,
- warmth,
- white-hot,
- with a kick,
- withering,
- zealous,
- zestful,
- zesty,
- zippy